Friday, May 14, 2010

Sample Thank You Letterdestination Wedding


squamous cell carcinoma MOUTH CAT

Tumor of the mouth are very common in dogs and cats fundamental to the prevention of these cancers and the careful examination of the whole mouth needs to be done at least once a year for people of average age 'without dental diseases in the more' forward with the age 'and with dental diseases, then the examination should be made more' times throughout the year.
Some dogs and especially cats are sedated to go in the base of the tongue, palate ee throughout the dental arch. Wrapped
the owner realizes that the animal drools more 'than usual rubs his nose and sometimes refuses food in cases more 'advanced there is weight loss.
The cause of cancer and 'multifactorial but an important and' the accumulation of dental plaque that causes gum inflammation that later if not treated in time neoplastico.che triggers a process often does not show if you do not fully explore the oral cavity. gingival inflammation are associated with bacterial overgrowth chemicals such as tobacco smoke, pesticides spot.on that initiate the neoplastic process.

There are certain breeds of dogs like the mastiff, dogs with long snouts, terrier spaniel who have a predisposition to cancer proliferation and gengivaria The terrier breeds like toy Yorkschire, Pekingese, etc. are especially salivation particularly if associated with acid reflux gastroesofaseo species that alters the enamel favoring the attack of bacteria and thus resulting in the formation of plaque paradontosis these diseases if not treated in time (in addition to the dissemination of bacteria that can lurk in a circle on the heart valves and kidney conseguenzte with valvular disease and nephritis in turn can cause oral cancer squamous cell carcinoma

Other predisposing factor and 'power surely the biscuits for the mechanical action reduce plaque while the wet promotes the accumulation of food between the teeth at that point will be 'brushing daily inperira' plaque.
cleaning of the teeth especially for cats fed canned be made at least once a year with the scaling, especially for those at risk of health teeth cleaning can be done with sedation and the important 'clean throughout the dental arch

very different and 'almost raw food that promotes the pulling of teeth by carnassiali without food storage.
particularly predisposed to cancers of the oral cavity are the cats that have chronic gum disease virus (feline leukemia, FIV, FIP, etc.) from urea high (kidney) failure to care with exposure to environmental carcinogens such as environmental pollution (benzene aromatics etc.) local environmental and pesticides, where in addition to the particles in the air are joined by those which are deposited on the surface that are the constant licking in contact with saliva and then the mouth.

How to prevent cancer of the mouth?
The owner must palpate the nose of dogs and cats and see if there are excessive salivation and swelling pain in chewing if the animal chews tilting her head toward the painful wound rubs his nose with his paw or touch the painful area . Wrapped
but 'this is not always depends on whether there 'involvement tooth hurts or whether the lesion


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