Saturday, May 8, 2010

Free Camera In Vagana


Economics, politics and society


The 400 - the fifteenth century - is the century of renewal, and represents the transition to the modern age, but also a century of political strife, religious and social tensions. The most important events are the beginning of the Protestant movement, which will lead to the Schism - separation - between the Catholic and Protestant churches, the conclusion of the Hundred Years War between England and France, the birth of the Regional States in Italy and in Europe, monarchies that had an area molto piccolo, governate da un Signore o da un Principe, la nascita dell’Umanesimo in Italia, movimento culturale che si trasformerà successivamente nel Rinascimento; la nascita del Tribunale dell’Inquisizione, istituito dalla Chiesa Cattolica, la scoperta dell’America da parte di Cristoforo Colombo nel 1492.


Il 400 è il secolo dell’Umanesimo, un movimento culturale che rappresenta il cambiamento della cultura italiana ed europea. Gli studi umanistici sono basati sul recupero delle opere antiche, e il principale oggetto di ricerca è l’uomo: il nome Umanesimo deriva infatti dalla parola latina humanitas, cioè umanità, e indica un nuovo metodo di conoscenza. La sua main feature is therefore the study of things done by men, and especially the history and ancient languages, are the main tools of the humanists.


crisis continues to Empire and the Catholic Church. In Italy and in Europe came the Regional States. They are small states, ruled by a Lord (and therefore called the Lord) or a prince (in this case they are called principalities). Prince govern without Parliament, its power is absolute. Lord helps many great artists and writers. In Germany, the birth of the Protestant movement, some of the principalities of the German Lutheran faith constitute independent states by the Emperor and the Church of Rome. In 1555, the PACE AUGSBURG allow the German princes to choose the official religion of their principles, according to the "deceased regio, eius religio," that is, each king's religion.


the Protestant movement was born with the ideas of theologians Wycliffe and Huss, and extends in Central Europe. In this century, worsen the crisis in the Church, which, with the rise of Humanism and the Renaissance, loses control of the literary, philosophical and scientific. The man of 400 search of answers in nature and science, and discovers the magic starts to get rid of old superstitions. The Church of Rome corresponds with the creation of the Inquisition, the Special Court, which had the task of questioning, prosecute and convict enemies of the Catholic Church, often subjected to atrocious torture. Among the victims there were more famous philosophers such as Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella, and scientists like Galileo Galilei.


At the end of the century the marriage of King Cattolhci, Ferdinand and Isabella unified the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile. Born in Spain, a strong kingdom, ruled by the power of the Inquisition, an important instrument of political and social control. In 1492 the Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus, helped by the Catholic Kings, part of the discovery of America. Thus began the expansion of European powers in the New World, especially Britain and Spain, the protagonists of the next century with the "war da corsa" dei pirati inglesi e spagnoli nelle acque dell'Oceano Atlantico. La scoperta dell'America, e la nascita delle nuove rotte commerciali verso il Nuovo Mondo, sono la causa della crisi del Mediterraneo, abbandonato dal commercio europeo.


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