Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gay Wrestler Singlets

5AL 09

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Otto Neurath (Vienna, 10 dicembre 1882 – Oxford, 22 dicembre 1945) è stato un sociologo, economista e filosofo austriaco.

Esponente non ortodosso del marxismo, fece parte dell'ala sinistra del Circolo di Vienna. Egli rifiutò sia la metafisica che l'epistemologia. Neurath vedeva nel marxismo un tipo di scienza e considerava la scienza uno strumento di cambiamento. Nel 1919 fu leading the social program of Bavaria.


He studied in Vienna and Berlin mathematics, economics, history and philosophy. He obtained his doctorate in 1907 in Berlin, in the meantime he worked in the Ministry of Defence and Austrian obtain teaching qualifications in 1917 in Heidelberg. Back in Vienna, he began working on the project that will result in the "Social and Economic Museum, and became interested in graphic design by inventing the visual method of education called isotype.

After the events of February 12, 1934 and the creation of so-called "Ständestaat" first emigrated to the Netherlands at The Hague, in 1940 he fled to Britain where he died in 1945 in Oxford.

The theory of correspondence between statements and facts had been generally accepted by members of the Vienna Circle, with the exception of Neurath's argument that the claim that the protocols to record experiences and, as such, should enjoy a privileged way in relation to other sentences is unfounded, since any proposition, protocol or not, may be altered or rejected in the name of its coherence with other sentences. Each new sentence should be compared with the system: if it is compatible with it can be accepted, if not you can reject it, as you can change the system or part of it, since no proposition, even those of protocol, are intangibles.

The basic theme of the thought of Neurath was the definition of science as a pure language, through which all the fundamental changes occurring in the evolution of the disciplines. Neurath
dissociated himself from the Vienna Circle in the criterion of linguistic correctness of the propositions for which empirical evidence is not necessary with the data, but only a comparison with other sentences under the present system of science. [1]

In 1936, Otto Neurath introduced a system of pictograms designed as an international visual language. Isotype (the name of the group of pictograms) includes a set of stylized human figures that will form the basis for modern icons human figures in the trait. For this reason it is considered one of the fathers of computer graphics design or information (in English or InfoDesign information design).


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