Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Husband Breastfeed Her Wife


tumors can affect the orbit of the eye, eyelids, third eyelid, lacrimal apparatus, conjunctiva, the sclera, the cornea, el'uvea
Early diagnosis and 'the first objective for effective treatment.
The lesion is classified with histological and / or cytological investigations
Orbit Tumors in dogs and cats: often determines exophthalmos with animals in a copiscono age 'more advanced' common in dogs and cats may be primary
: with involvement of all tissues present in the orbit and according to the affected tissue are often malignant among them are: adenoma and adenocarcinoma third eyelid, lacrimal gland (more 'common in cats), the zygomatic gland canine squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, glioma, rabdiosarcoma
secondary orbital tumors: metastasis such as lymphoma, carcinoma, hemangiosarcoma
The differential diagnosis should made with foreign bodies, retrobulbar abscess and cellulitis, with the measurement of intraocular pressure in glaucoma is excluded.
Diagnosis: To define the limits and the mass distribution and 'important ultrasound CT scan or MRI. The focused ultrasound and' essential for a cytological diagnosis

therapy: Often tumors that have invaded the entire orbit need to be eradicated with an enucleation with evisceration of the periorbital tissue and wrapped orbital associated with radiation therapy. If the localized tumor without metastasis and you can 'try to remove only the affected part without enucleate the eye.

Primary tumors of the eyelids in dogs and cats: the meibomian adenoma are frequently asked, is localized on the eyelid edge e'frequente in dogs, cats and instead 'frequent squamous cell carcinoma, malignant and aggressive behavior has often invading the entire eyelid squamous cell carcinoma

Early diagnosis and 'therefore a need for removal and reconstruction of eyelid, other primary tumors of the eyelids are the Meibomian epithelioma The mast cell histiocytoma on the eyelid skin portion, the portion of the conjunctival melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal glands or sweat main skin of the eyelids.
Secondary malignancies of the eyelid in dogs and cats are lymphoma.
diagnosis. Cytologic and histologic lesions, but the most 'of the time the diagnosis is made after radical surgical excision of the tumor with histology
cancer more' aggressive and invasive squamous cell carcinoma It is the eyelid of the cat that requires a wide excision with radiation therapy to prevent relapse.

tumors of the lacrimal in dogs and cats.
are not frequent, el'adenoma gland adenocarcinoma of the third eyelid may 'also be interested in extending the turbinates or sinus
The diagnosis and differential' with cysts of the third eyelid gland.
therapy and 'surgical removal of the third eyelid and any tessuti adiacenti in caso di infiltrazione neoplastica.

Tumori della terza palpebra nel cane e nel gatto.
Tumori primari: carcinoma squamocellulare,papilloma,emangioma,emangiosarcoma,fibrosarcoma,mastocitoma,melanoma,adenoma,adenocarcinoma
Tumori secondari:linfomi
Terapia chirurgica .asportazione della terza palpebra se il tumore invade i tessuti circostanti allora eviscerazione dell’orbita.

Tumori della congiuntiva nel cane e nel gatto.
La porzione congiuntivale puo’ interessare vari settori:rivestimento palpebrale, fornice,rivestimento terza palpebra,rivestimento bulbare.
Fondamentale e’la diagnosi precoce per una asportazione radicale del tessuto interessato se mass e'infiltrata periorbita then proceed to the evisceration of the eye.

Cancer of the sclera and cornea of \u200b\u200bthe dog and cat
are tissues that infiltrate the corneal and scleral tissue located in the limbo that tend to spread and deepen in the thickness of the cornea and sclera.
around the tumor mass is often deposited lipids and cholesterol (lipid keratopathy).
Primary tumors: squamous cell carcinoma of dog / cat-
hemangioma hemangiosarcoma dog / cat
Melanoma dog / cat
Melanocitoma epibulbar dog / cat
Secondary malignancies: lymphomas

Tumor uvea in dogs and cats.

intraocular primary tumors more 'common in dogs and cats are melanomas in dogs
melanomas are located in the uveal tract and are predominantly benign, they tend to invade the ocular structures localization rarely affects the choroid.
intraocular tumors in cats are often the most evil 'diffuse' melanoma that affects the entire iris melanoma begins with the appearance of pigmentation in areas that tend to spread, flowing between them.
Other intraocular tumors are adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the body coliare most 'frequently in dogs and cats
Photo ADENOCARCINOMA ciliary body DOG:

masses that are often deform the pupil can cause glaucoma to move the lens in anterior chamber
Primary tumors of the uvea in the dog and cat: CAT IRIS MELANOMA


melanoma, adenoma, adenocarcinoma, hemangiosarcoma, hemangioma, leiomyosarcoma
uvea Nelke Second tumors in dogs and cats:
lymphoma, metastases from primary tumors (lung cancer, breast cancer, hemangiosarcoma etc.)
Diagnostic ultrasound cents aqueous humor for cytological investigations
therapy after removal of the tumor mass localized in the cases yagf laser with cryosurgery. In malignant tumors
uvea and 'fundamental enucleation after excluding distant metastases in other organs. The
enucleation and 'oblige d'iris melanoma in cats that has always behaved very aggressively with malignant behavior in this species. Finally
eyes often hide injuries if not diagnosed promptly can lead to serious health problems for the entire body so that when a conjunctivitis or a rash does not heal after pharmacological treatment should be investigated with specialist tests to rule out neoplastic lesions


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