Thursday, May 6, 2010

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The term industrial revolution, most likely used for the first time back in the twenties of the nineteenth century, modeled in analogy with the term the French Revolution (suggestion by Raymond Williams), was certainly cited , according to the historian Fernand Braudel, the French in 1837 by economist Adolphe Blanqui, brother of the famous revolutionary Auguste Blanqui. However, it was finally consecrated only in 1884 by Arnold Toynbee with the publication of his Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England.

was previously used, inter alia, by:

Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1867);
John Stuart Mill in his Principles (1848);
Friedrich Engels in The situation of the working class in England (1845).
The term revolution is to be a complete change in society or in some aspects, such as in the scientific revolution.

The term industry is very old but it is only at the end of the eighteenth century which acquires the meaning of "manufacturing", although already in 1713 can be to trace the beginning of the decline of the proto-founded when John Lombe a plant with a car for work silk, spending as many as 300 workers.

Definition of Industrial Revolution

For industrial revolution is a process of economic evolution from a traditional agricultural system-commercial-door to a modern industrial system characterized the general use of machinery driven by power and the use of new inanimate sources of energy (eg fossil fuels). Often distinguishes between first and second industrial revolution. The first concerns mainly the textile and metallurgical industry and involves the introduction of the flying shuttle [1] and steam engine, and its time span is usually between 1760-1780 and 1830. The second industrial revolution is made conventionally from 1870-1880, with the introduction of electricity, chemicals and oil. Sometimes we refer to the effects of the massive electronics and information industry as the third industrial revolution, which is made from 1970 [2].

The industrial revolution leads to a profound and irreversible transformation that leaves the production system to involve the economic system as a whole and the entire social system. The appearance of the factory and the machine changes the relationship between actors productive. Born so the working class which receives, in exchange for their work and time made available for factory work, a salary. Stands the industrial capitalist, entrepreneur and owner of the factory of the means of production, which aims to increase the profitability of their business.

Boundary and temporal distribution

The term revolution, initially indicating a circular motion that returns to itself, she then called a break, a reversal. The term industrial revolution is implicitly refers to this second sense. The production system resulting from the industrial revolution is radically different from the previous system of an agricultural-manufacturing.
Alcuni storici minimizzano l'importanza degli avvenimenti identificati alla rivoluzione industriale sostenendo che le trasformazioni strutturali delle economie europee ebbero inizio già nel secolo precedente. Più che di una rottura si tratterebbe solo, per questi autori, di un' accelerazione di un processo già in corso. In Inghilterra, primo paese nel quale si assiste alla rivoluzione industriale, questo processo ha avuto luogo nella sua prima fase e secondo la delimitazione di Thomas S. Ashton (1756), fra il 1760 – anno d'inizio del regno di Giorgio III – e il 1830 – anno d'inizio del regno di Guglielmo IV. Questa prima rivoluzione industriale prende avvio nel settore tessile (cotone), metallurgico (ferro) ed estrattivo (Coal). The Victorian period (1831-1901), which is the second industrial revolution (1850 ca.), It will be for England and dell'apogeo the development of its economy, the archetype of industrial-capitalist system.
The industrial revolution was then extended to other states, particularly France, Germany, USA and Japan to involve the entire West, and in the twentieth century, other regions in the world, first of all Asia. Each country has followed its own path to the industrial revolution and the same has been achieved in different ways. So if England in the process began in the textile sector, other countries, the industrial revolution was literally driven by the introduction of the locomotive (Thompson) steam. The role of the state varies from country to country: in England where the Industrial Revolution arose spontaneously and was fueled by the initiative (although supported and encouraged by legislation enacted by Parliament, such as those relating to fences and roads), in other countries the State has contributed major and often decisive.

Other historians, like Jean Gimpel support even the existence of previous industrial revolutions that arose in England in the late eighteenth century. In feudal times it would have made major revolutions in agricultural technology and industry, just think of the role of the mills. John Nef supports the existence of an industrial revolution in England as early as the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century. The Industrial Revolution thus arises between rupture and / or continuity.

The factors that determine a state industrial

To declare that a country is making the process of industrialization must be a faster GDP growth of population growth (must be positive, but not excessive). In the British case, the GDP growth ranges from +2% to +4% per year, while the annual population increase of about +1%. The growth of industrial population must be greater than that of other sectors (agriculture and services). And the relationship between the number of workers and the amount of product must be in growth (productivity growth). To recover funds for the opening of new industries is essential to the development of business in order to accumulate capital. Another essential factor is the Revolution "agricultural" or transformation of agricultural property by allowing the expulsion of the workforce from the country transfer to the city (to work in the industry). Population growth is another useful factor for the increase in industrial labor (always kept below the threshold of GDP). The latter two factors, increasing the workforce allow a lowering prices, promoting the offer.

The three areas of Colin Clark

economist Colin Clark drew up the law of the three areas (or Colin Clark), which correlates with the development of the transformation of the economy itself: at first, corresponding to the Industrial Revolution, we are witnessing the decline of importance in the agricultural sector and increasing the role of the industrial sector, which becomes more important to share product and employment, in a second phase we are witnessing the passing of the sector by the tertiary industry (so named because it falls neither in the first sector, agriculture, or in the second, the industrial sector). The service sector is currently considered the most important sector of the economy, and consolidate the overall trade, tourism, consulting (in all areas from banking, the media ....).


steam engine (1864)
As with so many historical processes for the industrial revolution, there is no certain start date, although the invention is the cornerstone of the steam engine. Any profound change in the economy is indeed influenced by such changes before the Industrial Revolution and is considered by some scholars as the last time a series of changes that have transformed Europe from the ground poor, underdeveloped and sparsely populated all'inizio del Medioevo, nella zona più ricca e sviluppata del mondo nel corso dell'Ottocento. L'accumulo di capitale incamerato in seguito ai commerci e la disponibilità di ingenti quantità di acciaio e carbone nei paesi del Nord, facilmente trasportabili attraverso una fitta rete di canali navigabili, resero possibili gli investimenti necessari alla creazione delle prime fabbriche.

Da un punto di vista economico, l'elemento che caratterizza la Rivoluzione industriale è il salto di qualità nella capacità di produrre beni, cui si assiste in Gran Bretagna, a partire dalla seconda metà del Settecento. Più precisamente la crescita dell'economia inglese nel periodo 1760-1830 è la più alta registrata fino a that time. In other countries the process of industrialization is similar origin, in successive periods, high rates of economic growth.

Basically, the Industrial Revolution has been the port which has led to increased scientific knowledge about the natural world, and its characteristics, resulting from the Scientific Revolution. It was in fact the new scientific methods started by the Italian Galileo Galilei to lead to a significant (and unprecedented) increase in knowledge that Europeans had on nature, and particularly on the materials and their properties. Conditions are particularly favorable in England then the time allowed to such scientific knowledge to transform into knowledge tecniche e tecnologiche, finché esse cominciarono ad essere applicate nelle prime fabbriche tessili e nell'industria siderurgica per una produzione di ferro ed acciaio che non ebbe paragoni nella precedente storia dell'umanità.

Dal punto di vista tecnologico la Rivoluzione industriale si caratterizza, come già detto, per l'introduzione della macchina a vapore. Nella storia dell'umanità il maggior vincolo alla crescita della produzione di beni è infatti quello energetico. Per molti secoli l'umanità si trova a disporre soltanto dell'energia meccanica offerta dal lavoro di uomini e animali, e questo oltre a tutti i problemi che ne derivavano non dava la possibilità di incrementare la produzione essendo legati al lavoro manuale. The gradual introduction, starting from the Middle Ages, the watermill and the windmill is the first major innovation.

abundant energy supply from the steam engine is applied to the textile, making possible a more efficient organization of production through the division of labor and the movement of workers within a custom-built factories, as well as mining and transport . Mining activities will benefit from the strength of the steam engine during the extraction of water from the mines, allowing you to dig deeper, as well as in the transport of ore extracted. The first rail cars used to carry out mining il minerale, poi a portarlo a destinazione. Solo in un secondo tempo il trasporto su rotaia si converte nel trasporto di passeggeri. La rivoluzione industriale ha prodotto effetti non solo in campo economico e tecnologico, ma anche un aumento dei consumi e della quota del reddito, dei rapporti di classe, della cultura, della politica, delle condizioni generali di vita, con effetti espansivi sul livello demografico jn hgnh.

Perché in Inghilterra

Per approfondire, vedi la voce Rivoluzione industriale in Inghilterra.
Importante per la Rivoluzione industriale in Inghilterra fu l'agricoltura; infatti l'Inghilterra fu la prima ad avere una agricoltura di mercato (non per auto-consumo ma per profitto) che, unita all'innovazione tecnologica, eliminò molta manodopera dalle campagne, facendola rifluire verso la città, dove troverà occupazione nella nascente industria. Ma il fenomeno delle enclosures, per cui molta terra demaniale lasciata al libero pascolo venne privatizzata e recintata, privò i contadini più poveri del libero diritto di pastorizia e li spinse a trovare nuovo impiego nelle fabbriche. La disponibilità ingente di manodopera a basso costo, unita alla grande disponibilità di carbone per alimentare le macchine a vapore, contribuì in maniera fondamentale al decollo industriale del paese. Inoltre l'Inghilterra si trova in una posizione geografica favorevole ai commerci nell'Oceano Atlantico, mentre la sua insularità le consentì una facile defense of its borders, avoiding the periodic devastation that, in contrast, had to suffer the rest of Europe for several seven-nineteenth-century wars. Another important factor is the agricultural revolution that developed in the eighteenth century, and with advanced systems such as the planned three-year rotation of crops facilitated industrial development and population.

Economic Dynamics

To explain how it moved from a manufacturing system for small enterprise to an industrial type must be considered that the demand for goods has increased in England in the period before the industrial revolution. This is due both to population growth or the level of per capita income and wages, more elevato di molti paesi europei, sia alla domanda di beni inglesi proveniente dagli immensi territori coloniali: da cui proveniva, per esempio, il cotone grezzo della Virginia, che lavorato veniva rivenduto ovunque, compresi i territori coloniali. Il monopolio del commercio del thè consentì alla corona di incamerare cifre ragguardevoli. Si trattava, in pratica, di una domanda di beni di largo consumo, destinati a soddisfare bisogni elementari di crescenti masse di persone in patria e all'estero. La crescita della domanda favorì gli investimenti in impianti industriali e in macchinari, i quali, per essere convenienti, richiedono che la domanda di beni sia sostenuta. Tuttavia, in settori come il tessile il passaggio graduale delle lavorazioni, inizialmente type of craft, in a factory system allowed to invest gradually, as they had accumulated the necessary capital. This is the case of waterways and railways, whose construction is due in large part to the initiative of individuals, encouraged to invest in new areas to meet the growing demand of the relevant social services. Technological innovations

Technical innovations involved machine tools and machines are driven, textile and heavy industry (metallurgy and mechanical). This became crucial in the mid-nineteenth century, coinciding with the development of railways. The domestic production of textiles was particularly slow in stage of spinning, because it takes five spinners to supply only one hand loom. The imbalance was accentuated in the mid-eighteenth century, when the time of weaving were further reduced by the spread of the flying shuttle (patented in 1733 by John Kay). In the second half of the century, two important inventions altered the landscape even more textile technology: James Hargreaves invented in 1765, Jeannette (or Spinning Jenny), and Richard Arkwright, in 1767, Spinning Wheel Hydraulic (Water or frame): the first accelerated spinning from 6 to 24 times, the second even hundreds of times. All this of course made obsolete handlooms. In 1787 Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom, which was finalized and adopted in the following decades: around 1825, one worker, supervising two looms, he could attend to a work with handlooms would have required the work of fifteen people. While in India to weave by hand 100 pounds of cotton needed more than 100,000 hours of work in Britain with the new machines were enough about 135 hours, which also increased its competitiveness. The increased production of tissue stimulated the development of the chemical industry to become competitive stages candeggiatura, dyeing and printing. Soon, the chemical industry became fundamental to all branches of production, both industrial and agricultural. The

industrial development demanded increasing amounts of energy, far superior to those provided by human hands. The research therefore aimed for the realization of suitable engines. James Watt (1736-1819) modified the steam engine, resulting in an efficiency four times higher than the previous steam engines (1787). During the nineteenth century, the steam engine came to affirm itself in other branches of the production chain (for example, in land and sea transport). It replaced the traditional sources of energy that had the serious disadvantage of not being available in the quantities and times and places required (wind and water mills), or not to be tireless and appropriate new machine tools (human and animal muscle power.) Another key factor was the abundant wealth of coal deposits in England: the steam engine made it possible to produce an energy intensity and an unprecedented concentration. With the adoption of the steam demand for iron and alloys suitable underwent a rapid increase.

the early eighteenth century, a decisive step in the steel industry, still in its pre-industrial stage, was achieved by Abraham Darby, which for the processing of iron ore had been using, instead of charcoal, coke , ie the anthracite distilled dry to remove substances that would have polluted the processes melting. Without such innovation, the steel industry would soon meet "the limits of development," because the traditional use of charcoal would have quickly led to the destruction of forests. Since the combustion of coke in blast furnaces had to be revived by air currents far more intense than that obtained from the old bellows operated by the mills, it was necessary to use just for this purpose the steam engine, which then found its first application in a foundry . Between 1783 and 1784 Henry Cort introduced in the steel rolling and puddling. The latter consisted in the purification of iron ore by mixing at extremely high temperatures in the presence of oxidants. The lamination further purified iron and profiled to the required forms, passing it by force through the rollers of a rolling mill, which replaced the old method in mallet percussion and shortens the fifteen times. To obtain bars, rails or beams enough to change the shape of the rollers.

processes similar to those held in England between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are reproduced in all countries where the industrial revolution was affirmed. But while in England the industrial revolution was the result of private initiatives framed in any plan or program, elsewhere government intervention played a greater or lesser degree.

population explosion

The industrial revolution triggered different socio-economic dynamics that combinatesi each other, provoked in areas involved in rapid and significant increase in population.

Rising crop yields, which allowed a significant increase in the availability of resources, advances in hygiene and health, which brought down the mortality rates and raised the average age of the population, the extinction or at least reduce recurring disasters that struck centuries the most populated areas, such as plague, cholera, famine of various kinds, are all factors that jointly conducted within a few decades, an exponential increase of the population.

Overall, negli ultimi due secoli, a partire quindi dall'inizio della rivoluzione industriale, la popolazione europea è cresciuta di quasi quattro volte, la speranza di vita è passata da valori compresi tra i 25 e i 35 anni a valori che superano i 75 anni, il numero di figli per donna scesi da 5 a meno di 2 e natalità e mortalità scesi da valori compresi tra il 30 e il 40 per mille a valori prossimi al 10.[3]

L'esplosione delle dinamiche demografiche a sua volta costituirà, specie nell'epoca della seconda rivoluzione industriale un fattore di sviluppo della economia, spingendo sempre più verso varie forme di consumismo, ma provocando anche nuovi problemi sociali e politici, legati all'inurbamento disordinato dei grandi centri, the distribution of resources, migration. Social impact of industrialization

The industrial revolution involved a general upheaval of social structures period, through the impressive acceleration of changes that brought in a few decades to the radical shift in lifestyle, relationships between social classes and even the appearance of cities, especially large ones.

fact, it was mainly in urban areas, especially industrial, which are more pronounced social changes, with the sudden growth of suburbs close to large cities, where the underclass who are flocking from the countryside looking for work in urban factories. It was mostly slums and slum, where living conditions were often for decades at the limit of practicality.

A similar situation, albeit with different variations and distinctive features depending on the age and the industrial countries, has continued until recent times, and gave occasion for a vast literature, politics, sociology, but also fiction. In France, for example, Emile Zola was to denounce her novels through the miserable conditions of the lower classes in Paris at that time, or for example miners, in the novel "Germinal". Before that, in Britain, Charles Dickens had repeatedly portrayed in his novels una umanità disperata e incattivita dagli spietati meccanismi produttivi imposti dalla rivoluzione industriale.

Nel verismo italiano è assente la realtà industriale, in quanto il meridione si poggiava essenzialmente su un sistema agricolo, sostituita dalla presenza di tanti personaggi di contadini oppressi e affamati dal monopolio della nobiltà rurale: Nedda, la ragazza protagonista della breve novella considerata uno dei massimi capolavori di Giovanni Verga, è un personaggio simbolo del disagio del Sud.

In campo politico-filosofico è indubbio che siano state le condizioni umane e sociali delle masse operaie dell'epoca ad aver stimolato le opere di Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels, che avranno nel secolo successivo una fundamental importance in the global political landscape.

Despite the often negative effects on the urban proletariat, due to the initial conditions of economic exploitation and uncontrolled urbanization, the industrial revolution in the long run, however, allowed to raise the welfare conditions of an increasingly large percentage of the population, already the leading late nineteenth century to a general improvement in health conditions (no accident that the industrial revolution in Europe and no longer met the nightmare of plague and famine of agricultural type), a significant rise in average life of individuals, a spread of literacy, the availability of more number of people of goods and services than in other periods were totally closed to the poor.

The numerous and important technological innovations have played a decisive role in this regard. The rise, which is concentrated in a few decades, major discoveries in science and medicine, and inventions such as industrial machinery, steam railway, electricity, gas lighting and electrical, telegraph, dynamite and in the second phase of the revolution, the phone and the car, he quickly transformed the lives of the people involved and the entire social framework of industrialized countries, changing old habits at the root of life and contributing to a rapid change of mentality and expectations of individuals.

The relationship between social classes were deeply modified: the aristocracy, already challenged by the French Revolution, finally lost with the Industrial Revolution, its leadership, in favor of bourgeois production. Formed in parallel for the first time a large class, which will be defined by Karl Marx "working class" that only decades later, slowly and painfully, will win his weight in the social and political life of industrialized countries.

part of some classes of workers innovations were seen as a competitor to their specializations, which opposed the birth of Luddism to 1811, proposing to destroy the machine with violence.

The transport revolution

Another factor triggering the Industrial Revolution was that of the transport revolution. The road system in France was expanded starting in 1738 and in 1780 had already grown to more than 25,000 kilometers of roads built. This halved the travel time, and then facilitated transport is also important for the supply of minerals and fossil-carbon.

A similar solution was found also for England but, instead of building roads, canals built for navigation. The first English canal was finished in 1761, forty years later, the network of channels was 1000 kilometers.

The streets of the city were equipped with an extensive network of tracks crossed by horse-drawn tram.
Another key innovation was the birth of the railway. PART TWO

SOCIALISM Socialism is a comprehensive set of ideologies and political orientations, movements and doctrines which tend to a transformation of society towards equality of all citizens in economic and social as well as legal. It can be defined as an economy that reflects the meaning of "social", who thinks the whole population. Originally all the doctrines and movements of the social matrix sought to achieve these goals by overcoming social classes and the abolition total or partial private ownership of means of production and exchange, with the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and the establishment of the Third International (1919) the revolutionary wing of the Socialists broke away in organizing the communist parties, while the socialist parties, now oriented in reformist and included in the bourgeois-democratic systems of different countries, mostly took gradually distanced himself from Marxism and recovered the bodies pre-Marxist socialist liberal utopianism, giving life to democratic socialism, social democracy and liberal socialism.

General Introduction

Socialism is a school of thought linked to political movements, since the nineteenth century, lottarono per modificare la vita sociale ed economica delle classi meno abbienti e in particolare del proletariato.

Il movimento operaio da cui scaturì il socialismo pose per la prima volta il problema della giustizia sociale e dell'uguaglianza economica al centro dell'agenda politica. Trasformò radicalmente le forme della politica organizzandosi in partiti di massa e cercando di coordinare la propria attività politica a livello internazionale.

Il socialismo si oppone inizialmente al liberalismo classico, che postula il liberismo in economia, chiedendo invece la nazionalizzazione o la socializzazione di tutte o parte delle attività economiche e dei mezzi di produzione. Contesta l'idea delle neutralità delle istituzioni statali than the class struggle and fighting for a change in the role of the state or even in the version put forward by Karl Marx and recovery from anarchism to its elimination.

On the international socialist movement began as a pacifist movement in favor of self-determination, in opposition to nationalism and imperialism. In practice, however, many socialist parties or currents, they end up abandoning pacifism and internationalism, supporting the war effort of their country with patriotic motives. This betrayal causes controversy in many countries and divisions.

parties and movements were very different from each other socially defined, many of them still survive oggi e formano una delle più importanti correnti politiche in Europa, nonché la principale componente della sinistra europea. Il movimento socialista conosce numerosissime scissioni, accuse reciproche di aver tradito gli ideali originari, etc. etc. La scissione più importante è probabilmente quella verificatasi all'indomani della Rivoluzione d'Ottobre, che vede una larga fetta della sinistra dei partiti socialisti staccarsi e scegliere la denominazione comunista, già utilizzata in passato da alcuni teorici socialisti come Karl Marx. Per informazioni sul comunismo e su altre particolari correnti del socialismo si rimanda alle pagine relative, così come per l'illustrazione dettagliata delle dottrine dei vari pensatori socialisti.

Le origini: il Socialismo Utopistico

I movimenti ottocenteschi derivano dalle lotte rivoluzionarie repubblicane, in particolare dall'esperienza della rivoluzione francese con il movimento dei Montagnardi e dei Sanculotti, e dalle rivolte contadine che dal Medioevo si ripetevano ciclicamente contro l'aristocrazia terriera; talvolta queste rivolte assumevano connotati religiosi che sfociavano nell'egualitarismo e nella comunione dei beni di produzione. Nel XIX secolo si ebbe il socialismo di Robert Owen in Inghilterra, mentre in Francia un'influenza sui primi movimenti l'ebbe anche il Sansimonismo, una corrente politico-religiosa che divulgava il pacifismo e la comunione dei beni in una società che avrebbe dato a ogni individuo il ruolo a lui più congeniale. Nello stesso filone si inserì Auguste Blanqui.

I primi movimenti sono definiti socialismo utopistico e hanno posto le basi della ideologia socialista, individuandone gli scopi e proponendo un modello volontario di vita sociale comune.

Non è da trascurare la corrispondenza tra il socialismo originario e la matrice dell' illuminismo, sia in rapporto agli aspetti esteriori che connettono le due dottrine nei tratti unificanti della lotta all'oscurantismo e per l'emancipazione dell'umanità, sia in relazione alle corrispondenze di alcune figure chiave in entrambi i contesti, come Filippo Buonarroti e Adam Weishaupt.

Il Socialismo Scientifico e le sue derivazioni

Il termine socialismo scientifico was coined by Karl Marx to describe his vision of socialism, explained in his numerous works on society, history and economy. In contrast to the utopian socialism Marx believed that the practice of the labor movement should be guided by a rigorous analysis.

A Marx we owe the notion of class struggle, as illustrated in the Manifesto of the Communist Party. Marx proposes in his works to show how capitalism is run by the bourgeoisie to oppress the proletariat (industrial workers) in the historic period in which he wrote. Work Das Kapital (Capital), Karl Marx examines the capitalist buys labor from workers obtaining the right to resell the result of production resulting così profitto (vedi marxismo per i dettagli); questo, secondo Marx, porta a una insostenibile distribuzione della ricchezza.

Per Marx era solo questione di tempo: le classi lavoratrici di tutto il mondo, presa coscienza dei loro comuni obiettivi, si sarebbero unite per rovesciare il sistema capitalista che le opprimeva. Lo considerava un risultato possibile di un processo storico in atto.

Dalle rovine del capitalismo sarebbe sorta, dopo un periodo di transizione (dittatura del proletariato) in cui lo Stato avrebbe controllato i mezzi di produzione, una società in cui la proprietà sarebbe passata alla società stessa nel suo complesso (lo Stato era destinato a dissolversi). La proprietà privata sarebbe stata limited to personal effects. The result of the collective ownership of means of production would, in view of Marx, the end of the division of society into social classes and, consequently, the end of exploitation and the full realization of the individual. Atheism, characteristic of Marxist socialism, was a logical consequence of the dialectical materialism of Marxism as a method adopted.

Marx's ideas are developed in many different directions: some thinkers from Marx take only the method of analysis of society, while the nascent socialist movement enthusiastically embraces the revolutionary party, by keeping quiet about the non-Marxist socialist thought of as the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, the anarchist socialist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon matrix (which Marx called it bourgeois or socialist conservative in the Communist Manifesto) and other "utopian socialists" already mentioned.

was under the banner of socialism that was created the First International Workingmen's (or International Workers' Association), the organization that brought together the social movements around Europe, seeing in it as much as the current anarchist Marxist.

the "revisionism"

Eduard Bernstein was called the revisionist current moderate and reformist Marxism arose in the late nineteenth century, originated from the observation that the behavior of the capitalist economy did not seem to correspond to the predictions of Marxism.

After the depression of the last decades of the nineteenth century it had begun a new period of prosperity that seemed to rehabilitate the confidence in free trade and capitalism and so the moderate component of socialism (which was then known as either democratic socialism or social democracy) developed the "revisionist theory", which basically set out to abandon Marxism to achieving complete acceptance of market economy, perhaps with some "aggiustatina. Since then, those who accepted the revisionism and pursue the path of capitalism to achieve "reform" in the interests of workers were either called "socialisti democratici" o "socialdemocratici" (una esatta differenza tra i due termini si avrà solo nella seconda metà del 1900). Coloro che invece avversavano il revisionismo e la via riformista furono i "socialisti marxisti" e i "comunisti o socialrivoluzionari" (insieme chiamati genericamente "massimalisti"). Il maggior esponente del revisionismo fu il tedesco Eduard Bernstein (1850- 1932).

Il Socialismo democratico

Per approfondire, vedi la voce Socialdemocrazia.
Si definisce socialdemocrazia quell'insieme di movimenti socialisti che accettano il concetto di economia di mercato, di proprietà privata e il muoversi all'interno delle istituzioni liberali.

La socialdemocrazia si pone tra il socialismo marxista e il riformismo borghese. Essa infatti, in un primo tempo, pur ponendosi in prospettiva critica nei confronti del capitalismo, non ritenne ancora tempo per una sua totale abolizione.

Il ruolo che si assicurarono i partiti socialdemocratici nei decenni tra il XIX e XX secolo fu quello di lottare sia contro il riformismo borghese, che avrebbe portato la classe operaia a legarsi troppo al sistema capitalistico, che contro l'avventurismo rivoluzionario marxista, che avrebbe portato a scontrarsi con le strutture ancora solide del sistema. La socialdemocrazia non tende a farsi garante della sopravvivenza del sistema, ma vuole lavorare al suo interno per portare uno spirito di rinnovamento e di trasformazione costante.

The subsequent evolution leading social democracy which brought the compromise between the reformist liberal of the bourgeois and the major principles of the doctrine of socialist reform: during the years between the two world wars, with the proposal of two models as strong as the Soviet and fascist, the represents an alternative social democratic and reformist. Social democracy and communism came often to the head-on collision, in which the Social Democrats were treated to a "social" or "social", later to find a joint project against the fascist and Nazi.

the Second World War, social democracy in the West summarizes an important role among the dominant political forces and the natural port of call for all socialist reformists and liberal Democrats, it was also able to propose significant changes, such as the nationalization of some industries, the establishment of a mixed economy and the achievement of forms of social security for workers.

The contemporary social democracies are political parties that have abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe division of society into hostile classes and any printing project nineteenth century, the old model remains the only internationalist perspective that emphasizes the principle of joint action between all the social forces , or general social-democratic reforms in individual countries, in accordance with different national histories, of different economic situations and the plurality of cultural and ideological traditions. In many cases, even significant parts of the world and Catholic social reformist social democracy found in an excellent landing.

The "revolutionary socialism"

Main articles: communism and revolutionary socialism.
The reformist socialists believed that socialism was the natural evolution of Western society, which was to evolve naturally from capitalist communist due to the internal contradictions of capitalism, through a sequence of reforms.

While agreeing on this growth, the socialist revolutionaries like Rosa Luxemburg in Germany or Giacinto Menotti Tightened in Italy but thought that this change would never have happened spontaneously, but would require a revolution.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917 and 1919, the third international revolutionary socialism, the Marxist roots, largely coinciding with communism.

State Socialism

In a general sense with state socialism is any variety of socialism that is based on the ownership of the means of production by the state. State socialism is often referred to simply as "socialism", the term "state" is usually added only by the Socialists with a different vision, willing to criticize the state socialism, for example, anarchici.

Oggi, molti partiti politici europei della sinistra, sono sostenitori di varie forme di proprietà statale in forma di socialismo democratico. Questi socialisti moderati non sostengono il rovesciamento dello stato capitalista in una rivoluzione socialista, quindi accettano anche la continuazione dell'esistenza dello stato capitalista e del sistema economico capitalista, ma rivolto verso fini più sociali.

Dei socialisti democratici di oggi, soltanto una esigua parte spera ancora su una graduale e pacifica transizione dal capitalismo al (pieno) socialismo, attraverso l'evoluzione piuttosto che la rivoluzione. La maggior parte dei socialisti democratici però ha acquisito integralmente la visione propria della socialdemocrazia: that is, refuse in the trunk of any reference type and accept the Marxist capitalism, do not seek to overcome it, but to improve it to reach the 'social market economy ". Since the failed utopian socialism, revolutionary socialism and communist socialism, all organizations 'socialist' claim to be inspired by the modern democratic socialism and democratic socialists today are what we call sometimes "social democrats" and sometimes "socialist": this is due to the fact that all the socialists have come to the "democratic socialism" becoming "democratic reformers". By contrast, Marxism argues that a socialist revolution is the only practical way to implement radical changes in the capitalist system. Furthermore, says that after a certain period of time under socialism, the state must "die out", resulting in a communist society.

Leon Trotsky
Of course, the state has not vanished in the communist states of the twentieth century. Some Marxists defend what simply arguing that the transition had not been completed. Other Marxists denounce those were "communists" like Stalin, claiming that their leadership was corrupt and had abandoned Marxism keeping only the name. In particular, some schools of Marxism, Trotskyists call these states the term socialism is socialism for them against the truth, others use the term capitalism current Trotskyites status, to emphasize the absence of true socialism.

The libertarian socialists go further, deriding also Marxism as state socialism. They use the term primarily as a contrast to their form of socialism, which provides for the collective ownership of means of production without state intervention.

In Italy Italian Socialism, socialism will develop and disseminate the Italian Workers' Party, founded in Milan in 1882 and the Milanese Socialist League, and through movements and Marxist-derived minor leagues. In 1892, he founded the Italian Socialist Party, disbanded the following year by the government Crispi. Socialism finds himself up in the successive governments and collect PSI in the fringes of reformist and revolutionary. The "federation" does not, however, to cope with internal divisions and branches off in 1921 and the current communist (which will merge the PCI) and the reformists, who, expelled, he founded the Socialist Unity Party. Typically Italian phenomenon is the alliance of the PCI-PSI, and also the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity pursuing the idea of \u200b\u200ba socialism-communism coupled.

In Fascist Italy, the most representative of socialism are loose but still in hiding. Only with the Resistance socialist ideology found in the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity spokesman who, in 1945, will resume the name of the Italian Socialist Party. Since the establishment of the Republic, the PSI suffered many divisions, first with the founding of the Socialist Party of Italian Workers (later will comprise the current right of the PSI, making Italian Democratic Socialist Party). However in 1966, the two parties come together under the banner of PSI-PSDI Unified, except again divide again in 1969 with the posting of Democratic Socialists meeting in the Socialist Unity Party, which in 1971 became Italian Democratic Socialist Party. In 1964 he was bringing the division of the left of the party that formed the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity that will melt in 1972.

After the investigation of "Clean Hands", in 1992, the socialist parties lose consensus and break up within a few years. The Socialist diaspora brings in most of the current political exponents of socialism, beginning with the Italian Democratic Socialists and the New Socialist Party, to the Democrats of the Left and Forza Italy.

April 2007 during the congress of the party Sdi rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining the Democratic Party to create a socialist constituent with the intention of unifying all the socialist parties of inspiration that had broken up after 1992 to together into a single political entity. The new party will be named the Socialist Party.

the general elections of 13 and 14 April 2008, the Socialist Party, led by Enrico Boselli also candidate for prime minister, the dam does not exceed 4%, resulting in only about 1%. So for the first time in the history of the Republic shall not enter the Socialists in parliament. The 4-5-6 July there is the national congress of the Socialist Party and was elected its Secretary Riccardo Nencini. Your paper, voted unanimously, expresses the wish to come near the Democratic (PD), substituting into alliance Italy of Values.

In keeping with the Marxist, Leninist, but there is a Socialist.


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