Monday, May 31, 2010

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Brain - Maxi Le Convivial District

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Burraco Haitian Children

The Leo Club Sorrento, philanthropic youth organization of Lions International, is organizing a fundraiser to ensure adequate medical care to children who survived the disaster in Haiti.

Sunday, February 28 from 18.00 at the Great Hall
Aequa Hotel (Via Filangieri, 46 - Vico Equense), the event will take place:
"Tournament Burraco Haitian Children."

Youth Association, through one of the most popular card games in the world, want to join under the sign of solidarity with the highest number of fans of French cards, regardless of age.

The pleasure of the game will set the medium and atmosphere to accomplish an important social goal: raise funds for the expansion St. Damienne
Hospital, the only defense these children in Haiti and left almost unscathed by the devastating earthquake of January 12 last year. The structure
i Leo sorrentini hanno inteso adottare è stata costruita e tuttora viene gestita dalla Fondazione Francesca Rava-N.P.H. Italia Onlus. La Fondazione, tutta italiana, opera da anni ad Haiti e nel mondo per portare sostegno all’infanzia disagiata.

I giocatori e gli ospiti che interverranno daranno il loro contributo attraverso un’offerta all’ingresso.
Il rispetto delle regole sarà garantito dalla presenza di un arbitro federale FiBur.
Momento di convivialità sarà garantito dalla presenza di un ricco buffet e originali premi in palio.

Il Presidente del Club, Gianluigi Cioffi così commenta:”il nostro piano delle attività semestrale non prevedeva questo tipo di progetto ma in front of the Haitian tragedy we could not remain indifferent. All members have labored as quickly as possible to organize an event like a tournament burraco that, although not very original idea, could bring together large groups as well as personal data of interest.
The idea of \u200b\u200ballocating funds to the Foundation Rava and specifically in their children's hospital will be indicated, for all participants, transparency and proven capabilities of humanitarian assistance over the years certified by numerous national and international bodies. "

Citizenship is invited.

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(o) for ttori one day tournament

The Leo Club Sorrento, philanthropic youth organization of Lions International, brings to the stage the most beautiful fairy tales for children of the peninsula, guests of the family houses of the coast.

Friday 21 May from 17.00 at the halls of the House Family
S. Francesco (Via S. Francesco - Vico Equense) will host the event:
"The (or) on ttori Action"

's partners Association, through theatrical storytelling e tanta ironia, allestiranno un piccolo spettacolo, un mix rivisitato delle più conosciute storie della tradizione letteraria internazionale, con l’intento di far trascorrere puri momenti di svago e condivisione ai giovani orfani e ai tanti bambini del posto che si ritroveranno per qualche ora tutti uniti e senza distinzioni negli spazi di una delle storiche strutture della Penisola Sorrentina per l’assistenza e cura dell’infanzia disagiata.

Il progetto Le(o)ttori ha ampio respiro. Protagonisti sono i tanti giovani volontari leo provenienti da tutto il Distretto 108YA che dopo sei mesi di laboratorio teatrale volto a conoscere i rudimenti dell’arte e a far sviluppare la creatività, hanno iniziato un percorso itinerante the vast territory of the district (Campania, Calabria, Basilicata) to bring the fruits of their labor in structures and events aimed at children especially those less fortunate.
The stage in the Sorrento peninsula follows that of May 12 in the fifth annual Day of Play in the town of St. George Cremano city Unicef.

The show will involve the young audience that, by knowledgeable connoisseurs of fairy tales, will interact with stakeholders, driving themselves the course of the narrative space
Following the game, and moments.

The event was organized by the Leo Club Sorrento, thanks to the collaboration e cortesia dell’associazione HELP-Affido Familiare presieduta da Adriana Straniero.
La presidente, da anni impegnata nel mondo dell’infanzia e del sociale, ha accolto da subito l’invito e l’idea del Club, riuscendo così a coinvolgere nell’iniziativa anche le scuole del territorio e le tante famiglie che da anni seguono e sostengono le attività della
Casa Famiglia S.Francesco.

Il Presidente del Club, Gianluigi Cioffi afferma: “il teatro è considerato da sempre uno strumento per liberare le energie e dare spazio all’immaginazione e creatività, quindi quale servizio migliore quello di portare uno spettacolo teatrale nei luoghi ospitanti bambini ai quali l’esperienza of joy and happiness life has denied. I am also pleased that the Club, despite the fiscal year coming to an end, it is shown always on and ready to organize initiatives to achieve social well-being of the community in which it operates. Many thanks to the then foreign presidents and all the staff of St. Francis House Family for their commitment. "

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Husband Breastfeed Her Wife


tumors can affect the orbit of the eye, eyelids, third eyelid, lacrimal apparatus, conjunctiva, the sclera, the cornea, el'uvea
Early diagnosis and 'the first objective for effective treatment.
The lesion is classified with histological and / or cytological investigations
Orbit Tumors in dogs and cats: often determines exophthalmos with animals in a copiscono age 'more advanced' common in dogs and cats may be primary
: with involvement of all tissues present in the orbit and according to the affected tissue are often malignant among them are: adenoma and adenocarcinoma third eyelid, lacrimal gland (more 'common in cats), the zygomatic gland canine squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, glioma, rabdiosarcoma
secondary orbital tumors: metastasis such as lymphoma, carcinoma, hemangiosarcoma
The differential diagnosis should made with foreign bodies, retrobulbar abscess and cellulitis, with the measurement of intraocular pressure in glaucoma is excluded.
Diagnosis: To define the limits and the mass distribution and 'important ultrasound CT scan or MRI. The focused ultrasound and' essential for a cytological diagnosis

therapy: Often tumors that have invaded the entire orbit need to be eradicated with an enucleation with evisceration of the periorbital tissue and wrapped orbital associated with radiation therapy. If the localized tumor without metastasis and you can 'try to remove only the affected part without enucleate the eye.

Primary tumors of the eyelids in dogs and cats: the meibomian adenoma are frequently asked, is localized on the eyelid edge e'frequente in dogs, cats and instead 'frequent squamous cell carcinoma, malignant and aggressive behavior has often invading the entire eyelid squamous cell carcinoma

Early diagnosis and 'therefore a need for removal and reconstruction of eyelid, other primary tumors of the eyelids are the Meibomian epithelioma The mast cell histiocytoma on the eyelid skin portion, the portion of the conjunctival melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal glands or sweat main skin of the eyelids.
Secondary malignancies of the eyelid in dogs and cats are lymphoma.
diagnosis. Cytologic and histologic lesions, but the most 'of the time the diagnosis is made after radical surgical excision of the tumor with histology
cancer more' aggressive and invasive squamous cell carcinoma It is the eyelid of the cat that requires a wide excision with radiation therapy to prevent relapse.

tumors of the lacrimal in dogs and cats.
are not frequent, el'adenoma gland adenocarcinoma of the third eyelid may 'also be interested in extending the turbinates or sinus
The diagnosis and differential' with cysts of the third eyelid gland.
therapy and 'surgical removal of the third eyelid and any tessuti adiacenti in caso di infiltrazione neoplastica.

Tumori della terza palpebra nel cane e nel gatto.
Tumori primari: carcinoma squamocellulare,papilloma,emangioma,emangiosarcoma,fibrosarcoma,mastocitoma,melanoma,adenoma,adenocarcinoma
Tumori secondari:linfomi
Terapia chirurgica .asportazione della terza palpebra se il tumore invade i tessuti circostanti allora eviscerazione dell’orbita.

Tumori della congiuntiva nel cane e nel gatto.
La porzione congiuntivale puo’ interessare vari settori:rivestimento palpebrale, fornice,rivestimento terza palpebra,rivestimento bulbare.
Fondamentale e’la diagnosi precoce per una asportazione radicale del tessuto interessato se mass e'infiltrata periorbita then proceed to the evisceration of the eye.

Cancer of the sclera and cornea of \u200b\u200bthe dog and cat
are tissues that infiltrate the corneal and scleral tissue located in the limbo that tend to spread and deepen in the thickness of the cornea and sclera.
around the tumor mass is often deposited lipids and cholesterol (lipid keratopathy).
Primary tumors: squamous cell carcinoma of dog / cat-
hemangioma hemangiosarcoma dog / cat
Melanoma dog / cat
Melanocitoma epibulbar dog / cat
Secondary malignancies: lymphomas

Tumor uvea in dogs and cats.

intraocular primary tumors more 'common in dogs and cats are melanomas in dogs
melanomas are located in the uveal tract and are predominantly benign, they tend to invade the ocular structures localization rarely affects the choroid.
intraocular tumors in cats are often the most evil 'diffuse' melanoma that affects the entire iris melanoma begins with the appearance of pigmentation in areas that tend to spread, flowing between them.
Other intraocular tumors are adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the body coliare most 'frequently in dogs and cats
Photo ADENOCARCINOMA ciliary body DOG:

masses that are often deform the pupil can cause glaucoma to move the lens in anterior chamber
Primary tumors of the uvea in the dog and cat: CAT IRIS MELANOMA


melanoma, adenoma, adenocarcinoma, hemangiosarcoma, hemangioma, leiomyosarcoma
uvea Nelke Second tumors in dogs and cats:
lymphoma, metastases from primary tumors (lung cancer, breast cancer, hemangiosarcoma etc.)
Diagnostic ultrasound cents aqueous humor for cytological investigations
therapy after removal of the tumor mass localized in the cases yagf laser with cryosurgery. In malignant tumors
uvea and 'fundamental enucleation after excluding distant metastases in other organs. The
enucleation and 'oblige d'iris melanoma in cats that has always behaved very aggressively with malignant behavior in this species. Finally
eyes often hide injuries if not diagnosed promptly can lead to serious health problems for the entire body so that when a conjunctivitis or a rash does not heal after pharmacological treatment should be investigated with specialist tests to rule out neoplastic lesions

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sample Thank You Letterdestination Wedding


squamous cell carcinoma MOUTH CAT

Tumor of the mouth are very common in dogs and cats fundamental to the prevention of these cancers and the careful examination of the whole mouth needs to be done at least once a year for people of average age 'without dental diseases in the more' forward with the age 'and with dental diseases, then the examination should be made more' times throughout the year.
Some dogs and especially cats are sedated to go in the base of the tongue, palate ee throughout the dental arch. Wrapped
the owner realizes that the animal drools more 'than usual rubs his nose and sometimes refuses food in cases more 'advanced there is weight loss.
The cause of cancer and 'multifactorial but an important and' the accumulation of dental plaque that causes gum inflammation that later if not treated in time neoplastico.che triggers a process often does not show if you do not fully explore the oral cavity. gingival inflammation are associated with bacterial overgrowth chemicals such as tobacco smoke, pesticides spot.on that initiate the neoplastic process.

There are certain breeds of dogs like the mastiff, dogs with long snouts, terrier spaniel who have a predisposition to cancer proliferation and gengivaria The terrier breeds like toy Yorkschire, Pekingese, etc. are especially salivation particularly if associated with acid reflux gastroesofaseo species that alters the enamel favoring the attack of bacteria and thus resulting in the formation of plaque paradontosis these diseases if not treated in time (in addition to the dissemination of bacteria that can lurk in a circle on the heart valves and kidney conseguenzte with valvular disease and nephritis in turn can cause oral cancer squamous cell carcinoma

Other predisposing factor and 'power surely the biscuits for the mechanical action reduce plaque while the wet promotes the accumulation of food between the teeth at that point will be 'brushing daily inperira' plaque.
cleaning of the teeth especially for cats fed canned be made at least once a year with the scaling, especially for those at risk of health teeth cleaning can be done with sedation and the important 'clean throughout the dental arch

very different and 'almost raw food that promotes the pulling of teeth by carnassiali without food storage.
particularly predisposed to cancers of the oral cavity are the cats that have chronic gum disease virus (feline leukemia, FIV, FIP, etc.) from urea high (kidney) failure to care with exposure to environmental carcinogens such as environmental pollution (benzene aromatics etc.) local environmental and pesticides, where in addition to the particles in the air are joined by those which are deposited on the surface that are the constant licking in contact with saliva and then the mouth.

How to prevent cancer of the mouth?
The owner must palpate the nose of dogs and cats and see if there are excessive salivation and swelling pain in chewing if the animal chews tilting her head toward the painful wound rubs his nose with his paw or touch the painful area . Wrapped
but 'this is not always depends on whether there 'involvement tooth hurts or whether the lesion

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Proshow Gold Problems 2009



The aim of Kant's philosophy is to make a science of metaphysics. The philosophers who are committed to answering the question "What is man?" Are engaged in the explanation of how to embrace the whole of reality with a rational explanation. But the Kantian philosophy reveals a fundamental element of epistemology (the philosophy of knowledge =): the limits of man by his condition. For this Kant departs from the philosophy of the Enlightenment 700, and exceeds the radical skepticism of Hume showing in a scientific manner the potential and the limits of human knowledge.

Hume called the sensitive knowledge and experimental as an "ad hoc post hoc" because it focuses reported about a finding similar causes of similar effects. Only in mathematics, the English philosopher had found certainty, all the rest borders on the ground of probability. Kant departs from Hume. The man has some obvious limitations due to his physical condition, but still approaches to the study of things beyond the possibilities. While we can not study what transcends sensory experience, it is true that there is a real effort and objective man against metaphysical (= beyond the physical, beyond what our senses can grasp), and this effort, being real and objective, we can study.

When we know we establish a relationship between phenomena (= what appears to me, what my senses can grasp), a relationship that obviously brings together two elements: what is known and its attribute. For example, if your body is heavy. Where is this relationship? Kant is essentially agree with Hume, but he wants to pass, giving the knowledge of the laws governing the character of universality.

The Critique of Pure Reason Kant

feels the need to give an order, an arrangement, the manner in which avviene la conoscenza. La ragione umana pretende di conoscere ciò che i sensi non le permettono di vedere, e quindi Kant chiama la ragione a un tribunale, in cui ne verranno giudicate potenzialità e limitazioni. E questo tribunale é la prima delle tre Critiche kantiane, e viene chiamata appunto della ragione pura, per distinguerla da quella della ragione pratica, che indaga la moralità e l’etica dell’uomo, e da quella del giudizio, che ne indaga il gusto e il piacere del bello.


Il giudizio é l’unione di due o più elementi. Secondo Kant la scienza si basa su tre tipi di giudizi:

giudizi analitici a priori, che sono utili perché immutabili, ma che non aggiungono nothing new to knowledge, because the predicate is already implicit in the subject (example: the body is extended);
synthetic judgments a posteriori, so that increase knowledge, they add something that is not included in the subject, but this addition has universal value and necessary (for example, if your body is heavy) because it is the fruit of experience alone;
synthetic a priori judgments, which are those of their scientific knowledge as universal and necessary, as this adds to the subject that the predicate has the indisputable comfort of laws (eg: heat expands the metal).

This is a revolution which Kant defines Copernican no coincidence, because implies a reversal of the axis cognitive subject-object: it is not the person who bend the law SIDEV sell'ogetto but vice versa. The philosophy of Kant, and the same partition of the Critique of Pure Reason, are exactly those transcendental because it transcends the object (= go beyond the object) and the Kantian philosophy is not concerned with the object but the subjective way of knowing can a priori. The transcendental


Kant uses the term Transcendental - not transcendent - to establish its epistemological investigation. Normally in philosophy we have two research perspectives:

immanent, that is, the concrete, the objective what can be touched with the hand, such things.

the transcendent, that is what is beyond the concrete, subjective, outside the sensitive, such as the gods.

Clearly if we seek a universal law, a principle can not be immanent, because if that were the case would be subject to the laws of becoming. A principle is transcendent because it must be perfect and absolute.

Kant, however, intends to make the Met and a science clearly says that all knowledge starts from experience. It 'so obvious that it would be a transcendent principle to external reality and therefore not subject to sensible experience. The prospect of research work Kantian a real Copernican revolution: Kant does not study so much the object of knowledge, but the person who know the object. The metaphor of television

A television program is transmitted simultaneously, is universal to everyone. If you watch a TV program can reach out and touch what's on the screen? No. We can not measure the height of a TV personality or know how much it weighs. However, we can measure the height and weight of the spectator who watches TV. This is the purpose of research transcendental. Find a universal principle, but not part of the subject and object, the viewer, not the television program.

the partition of the critique of reason PURA

Le fonti della conoscenza sono:

la sensibilità, che si attua mediante le forme pure di spazio e di tempo, ed é studiata dall’Estetica Trascendentale;

l’intelletto, che elabora i dati sensibili mediante le categorie, ed é studiato dall’Analitica Trascendentale;

la ragione, che pretende di cogliere globalmente la realtà mediante le idee di anima, mondo e Dio, oltrepassando i limiti imposti dalla sensibilità, ed é studiata dalla Dialettica Trascendentale.


Kant ritiene che si possa conoscere scientificamente solo ciò che cade nella sfera della sensibilità e dell’intelletto, and calls the phenomenon, to distinguish it from what falls outside of this sphere, and that is called noumenon (= no problem, I do not what it appears), and the noumenon is treated in the Transcendental Dialectic. The word derives from aesthetic esthesis, or sensory perception, and in this part of Kant highlights the way in which man knows. All knowledge starts from experience, and this needs to be sensitive. Knowledge sensitive and receptive and active, takes the phenomenon and then organizes it. For this Kant defines those who are pure forms of sensible knowledge, forms because "shape" to knowledge, even to make possible the knowledge and therefore must come first it. The pure forms of knowledge are significant space and time: space and shape of the external sense, that is the place where the phenomena occur, the timing and form of internal sense, and is the ordering of the changing phenomena . It is our sensitivity to make this possible mechanism, because they need the assurance that the content is given to be able to perceive significantly.

transcendental logic


The second step of the system of the Critique of Pure Reason is made up of the Transcendental Logic, Kant divides in Analytic and Dialectic: the first is the part that concerns the search for a unifying principle of knowledge and highlights the way in which the contents of sensory experience is transformed from subjective to objective, while the second is the analysis of the claims of reason against non-phenomena. The Analytical is divided into two parts: Analytical concepts and analytical principles. The Analytic of concepts examine the pure forms of the intellect, the same way the Aesthetics examines the pure forms of sensibility. The analytical principles of research instead of giving the element that allows universal and absolute knowledge. Esthetic
objects of knowledge are significant data and insights, while nell'Analitica objects are thought and thought and the power to issue judgments: we have no insight but it works, and intellect has a unifying character of the multiplicity of phenomena in the reality of the senses.

think and judge and judge is to attribute a predicate to a subject. Referring to the Greek Logic Kant ascribes to each assessment category, which is a form of pure thought, which gives validity to the trial itself. He prepares a table with twelve categories corresponding to particular forms of feedback, and divided into four groups, quantity, quality, relation and manner.

If the category gives validity to what gives validity reviews categories? We now know that the category used to organize the insights from the sensitivity so that they can be thought of by the judgments. But what makes them good? The sensible world is incomplete, and changing, which means we have to unify this data? Once the phenomena are intuitive, once you are conceived, involved a further unifying activities that Kant calls I think, or transcendental apperception, which is the unity of all human knowledge. This activity is as a rule, because it brings together what is perceived and what is thought by categories. But be careful, I think the creator has no prerogative. The Ego penso é una regola che vale solo nei casi di conoscenza fenomenica, e anche le sue eccezioni, sono astrazioni basate sulla presenza dei fenomeni sensibili. L’Io penso senza la conoscenza dei sensi non serve a nulla. Le leggi che regolano la conoscenza scientifica descrivono le condizioni a cui la conoscenza deve sottostare, e in tal senso l’Io penso é un legislatore, ma deve avere i dati della conoscenza sensibile per operare.

Kant deve quindi spiegare come le categorie possano operare sulla realtà fenomenica. Ciò avviene in quanto il tempo condiziona gli oggetti, ma è a sua volta condizionato dall'intelletto. Di conseguenza, tramite il tempo, l'intelletto è in grado di condizionare gli oggetti fenomenici. Questa solution relies on the doctrine of the schematic, meaning the schema representation of an intuitive concept.
with the doctrine of Kant's transcendental schematic matches in each category Aristotle (quantity, quality, etc..) Form a space-time, showing that the categories are laws of the mind as space and time with no objects are an abstraction that exists only in the ego-I think that puts them on the "thing-in-itself" to order the world. Sensitivity is the reception of the "thing-in-itself," his unconscious modeling-ordination with the space and time and the result of conscious vision. It is not a dream chosen by the ego, but an interpretation that depends on and varies with the inputs that are the "thing-in-itself" that is undefined, but indeterminate.
Here Kant defines the principles of the pure understanding, that the ground rules by which is the application of the categories to objects. These are four such categories:

Axioms of intuition (the category of quantity): say a priori that all phenomena provide insights of the extensive quantities and therefore can be known only through the successive synthesis of its parts;

Anticipations of Perception (categories of quality): say a priori that any perceived phenomenon has intensive quantity and time are infinitely divisible;

Analogies of experience (category the report): say a priori that the experience is a necessary plot of relationships based on principles:
a) the permanence of substance;
b) of causality;
c) of the mutual

Postulates of empirical thought in General (categories of modes):
determine a) what is possible;
b) what is real;
c) what is needed.

Particular laws can be derived only from experience.

the noumenon noumenon, from the greek νούμενον (nooúmenon, what is thought) is the 'essence thinkable, but unknowable intelligible in its nature ", the" thing itself "before they manifest as a phenomenon.
Because we can know only the phenomenal reality, what appears, Kant is convinced that beneath the surface, the phenomenon that changes as we perceive it through sensitivity which changes from moment to moment, from person to person, there must be an immutable basis of phenomenal reality, the "thing itself" but this just phenomenal because we will never know but just think there is.
The noumenon is identified in the reality unknowable and unreachable through direct knowledge, but only thanks to the intuition of its mere existence.
The attempt to full knowledge of the noumenon is operated by traditional metaphysics, which tends to act as a true science: an attempt doomed to failure because of the non-phenomenal noumenon.

Knowing has as limit the experience, because, after this proceeding, there is no evidence of its merits. Then we can only know the phenomenal reality, the reality for us-but never the reality in-itself. This "in-itself, which for us is foreclosed, can be known only by divine intelligence any more but can not be cognitive relationship with us. Kant identifies the 'in-itself "with the greek word noumenon. Kant distinguishes the experience in two ways. The first involves only the sensory experience, while the second includes the totality of phenomenal knowledge, that is sensory knowledge through a priori forms of mind. PART TWO

Transcendental Dialectic

In the second part of the Logic Kant faces a delicate question: can metaphysics be a science? This is perhaps the keystone of the Kantian system. If the mind moves away from the safe ground of sense experience is exposed to mistakes and illusions. We have seen how the aesthetic sense based on intuition as well outside of space and time, and how the internal sense Analytical based on the categories and I think the ego. The Dialectics is the body of metaphysics, and as such its knowledge on matters which Kant called the Platonic ideas, that is, copies of things, images, to emphasize the illusory. The Dialectic of the external sense founded on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe World, the internal sense the idea of \u200b\u200bsoul, and unifies the reality with the idea of \u200b\u200bGod Kant does not deny legitimacy to the claims of reason, indeed, but it feels the error when claims go as far as to turn them into tools for their structural needs. You may not know what our senses can not intuit. This is how three "science" with the quotes, that is the rational cosmology (world), the rational psychology (soul) and rational theology (God).

psychology rational soul identifies the absolute subject from which derive all the inner psychic phenomena. the reasoning is wrong, in that it applies to I think the category of substance. L "I think it can indeed be seen as a unifier, as a function of the intellect, but can not know.

The rational cosmology based on the idea of \u200b\u200bworld hypothesis unattainable, as devoid of any empirical basis: This error produces what Kant called antinomies, which are unsolvable because they do not own a secure base. I sensed that our senses phenomena occur on a limited range of sensitivity, and therefore can not be traced to the complex causes, and related to a set of external entities.

the antinomies Kant highlights four sets of claims to the contrary (thesis / antithesis) which are defined as logical contradictions or paradoxes, even if that statement is not entirely accurate. In any contradiction or pair of statements is not possible to determine whether the claim is true ol 'antithesis, and what distinguishes the antinomies by normal pairs of opposites in which we can identify the true and false (the sun is hot and is cold); contradiction comes from the greek αντινομια composed of αντι "against" and a derivative of νομος "legge"
Secondo Quintiliano, "la parola antinomia significa propriamente conflitto di leggi", quale ad esempio il paradosso dell'impiccagione. Nel "Dizionario di Filosofia" Nicola Abbagnano scrive che Kant estese il concetto ad indicare il conflitto con se stessa in cui la ragione si trova in virtù dei suoi stessi procedimenti.
Alla maniera dei ragionamenti dei sofisti, le antinomie kantiane sono affermazioni opposte, ciascuna dimostrabile logicamente ed in modo ineccepibile senza contraddizione nelle ragioni l'una dell'altra. In pratica, sono proposizioni probabilmente vere o false (ossia se ne può dare prova), ed inconfutabili di per sé. Ciò in quanto hanno le loro fondamenta in un presupposto inconoscibile, ossia la reality, or in the words of Kant, "the true nature of the world." Because the thing itself, that reality is unknowable to Kant, reason can not demonstrate or prove, and certainly in a peremptory manner, any of the four antinomies Kant. 

first antinomy

Thesis: the world has a beginning in time and space, is enclosed within limits.
Antithesis: The world is infinite in both time and space. In the proof
Kant refers to the category of quality. Even in the current cosmology, the theory is true if we accept the big bang theory, but the antithesis is true in some other cosmological assumptions, for example in the Steady State model or in some models of inflationary universe. Even if the Big Bang, the volume of the Universe can be finite, but there are no limits or boundaries, as on the surface of a sphere: the border as there is in the third dimension and not on the surface, the boundary of spacetime is in the fourth dimension and we do not perceive.

second antinomy

Thesis: each thing is composed of simple parts that other things are made up of simple parts.
Antithesis: There is nothing easy, everything is complex. In the proof
Kant refers to the category of quantity. Even here we note that particle physics is still in search of the constituents last of the matter, and yet even these, because of the properties of quantum mechanics, can be interpreted as overlapping states or particles. Other models, such as string theory back to the theory of the continuum, considering the particles "projections" in 3 dimensions of string constant defined, who have 10 or 11 instead. Still other theories, such as loop quantum gravity, meanwhile, find that there are indivisible grains (many) even spacetime.

third antinomy

Thesis: Causality according to the laws of nature is not the only one which can be derived from all the phenomena of the world. You must allow for the explanation of them also a causality of freedom.
Antithesis: In the world there is no freedom, but everything happens only in accordance with the laws of nature. In the proof
Kant refers to the category of relation. Even here, though the theory of hidden variables in quantum mechanics is now discredited, and then applies the theory, there are demonstrations of how the quantum behavior can emerge from complex systems and non-linear, even though no one knows how to prove it experimentally.

FOURTH Antinomies

thesis: there is a need that is causing the world.
Antithesis: There is no need, nor in the world nor out of the world that it is because of it.
is strongly diminished. In

rational theology Kant examines the evidence of God, understood as a totality that unifies the whole world and soul.

The ontological proof a priori, already seen by Anselmo and Leibniz, provides for the deduction of the existence of God by the fact that it is necessary and justified by his own perfection, since God is innate in us as the One to whom nothing is lacking, the His existence can not be produced by us, we are limited, and therefore God must exist. The error consists in a deduction of existence, which can only be sensed by the senses.
The cosmological proof is based on experience, that requires a cause not due to the phenomena: for Kant, is based on an arbitrary step because it brings together two different things, a phenomenal and noumenal. Finally, the physical evidence
teleological refers to the need for a necessary order to unify nature, but according to Kant it is not necessary that the phenomena of nature fall into a necessary order from the outside, and any attempt to unify the phenomena under an external cause is arbitrary taxation.

Kant once again highlights the inability to know what falls lé experience, but does not come to atheism, agnosticism as a determined and then only by the inability to rule on these issues. Kant, therefore, comes to a regular use of the ideas of pure reason, a purpose which is limited by the unknowability of noumena but at the same time to unify the real knowledge to all external. The noumenon is not known but it is unthinkable, and its applicability is only valid if we bear in mind the limits imposed on human knowledge by his sensitive condition.


The Critique of Practical Reason is a work in which Kant deals with ethical and moral, political, and that of freedom. In this work Kant explains what are the duties of man: in the Critique of Pure Reason, if you try to draw a map human knowledge, here you draw a map of the moral duties of man. In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant shows the claims of reason, who wants to know what can not be given by the senses, while in the Critique of Practical Reason indictment is precisely the tendency of reason to being influenced by the experience. Man is suspended between two worlds, one sensitive and one intelligible, a material and an ideal, a concrete that can be sensed and an abstract that has nothing to do with the senses. The man for his characteristic tendency to exceed the limits of the sensible world to belong to the intelligible world. In this work emerges the character of Kant's Enlightenment, which puts the freedom to basis of ethics, looking for a universal principle of living together, respect, in which the work of the individual should not be an end in itself but should serve for all. And to do this, that the moral law is free from the contingencies of thumb, is to be released from the senses and matter, but they obey a higher principle, valid for all individuals endowed with reason:


Kant distinguishes MAX and REQUIREMENTS: The maximum applies to the individual, and thus subjective, but the requirements are objective and universal and apply to all. In turn, the imperative is hypothetical and divided into CATEGORIES. The hypothetical imperatives always have an end, and then introduce una possibilità, per esempio, se devi... allora... Gli imperativi categorici non danno nessuna possibilità e nessun fine, nessuno scopo. Devi e basta, punto.


Perchè questa rigorosità? Perchè è la stessa morale che lo esige. Se la morale fosse ETERONOMA, sicuramente sarebbe motivata da fini anche nobili ma non avrebbe mai un valore universale. Perchè la morale avvia un valore universale deve essere AUTONOMA, deve cioè valere per tutti, non in base al suo CONTENUTO ma alla sua FORMA.


L’imperativo categorico trova quindi la sua ragion d’essere nella sua universalità e questa può essere expressed in three formulas:

Opera always makes sure that the maxim of your action can be recognized as a principle of universal law - this is a very lofty and noble imperative, which requires the man to always behave correctly, so 'that the their behavior is always a possible model to follow.

Act so that humanity is worth more to you as an end and never as a means - in this case the requirement is clear and requires the utmost respect for the men's and others' person, who should never be considered half but the goal of his own moral action.

Act so that the will itself be considered as universally legislator - here's speech ends with the imperative that a will is the will of the individual, based on selfishness, but a wish of everyone, and good for everyone.


For Kant, man is free and freedom is the foundation of all human action. but the man is not perfect and is in a condzione of eternal tension between sensibility and reason, eludes him precisely because of this empirical explanation. But there can be no empirical speigazione, because if that were all human action would be influenced by the sensitivity and would never have a universal character. The man has only to obey onnedisce and the categorical imperative as it is a rational being. Not because it must be obeyed to avoid punishment, if so happen moral action would be correct, but we can not speak of a moral self, because the action would have contained a moral purpose. The legal notice is in fact completely separate and independent.

should not be virtuous to happiness, happiness should never be an end. We must be virtuous because it is being endowed with reason and virtue leads to happiness then. But virtue and happiness are not united, there is a rift between them, due to the distance between the sensible world and the rational. Why Thus is fulfilled the moral action Kant is forced to admit an intermediate world, metafenomenico, whose elements are the same as the Dialectic, that is the numen, the ideas of God and soul of the world, and that Kant calls PRESUPPOSES here, why do not I can be proven but can only be accepted.

Causality free - human activity is conditioned by the senses, and then apparently mechanical, but it is actually free, because it determined by the action of an institution that can not be intelligible intuition.

immortal soul - the ultimate goal should be the sanctity of man, which is carried out with the perfect adequacy to the moral law, but in this world this is not possible, you can admit only a process to infinity, that Kant is forced to postulate.

Existence of God - as the man his efforts virtuous behavior does not cause happiness, not in the earthly world, so there must be a God that equitably allocates the happiness on the merits of individual behavior.

With the work Kant's three postulates a conciliation between the two worlds, in which man can reach with the senses and the moral, then finding a middle ground that allows him to explain how man can hope to concluding his virtuous path to happiness. But these assumptions are not true, if not fall within the metaphysics or religion: they have their own reality and as such have a horizon, an ultimate limit of human action. CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE

The Critique of Judgement once again focuses attention on the bipolarity of man, suspended between two worlds, between phenomenon and noumenon, between sensible and intelligible. After examining the nature of speculative reason and practical one, after evaluating the possibilities and limits of knowledge and the primacy of morality, Kant is trying to build a bridge between these two worlds. The foundation of this bridge is not the case for obvious reasons in sensitivity and intellect, which are limited by the conditions of sensory experience, and thus Kant is looking for a third way, one of the PROCEEDINGS, the common feeling. For Kant there are two types of opinion, the decisive and reflective judgments. The decisive contains both the particular and the universal, and indeed determines, that is the subject theoretically. The reflective giudzio instead contains only the particular, and then we produce ourselves the universal through the trial itself. It is called reflective because it reflects their own, or part from what has been given, through decisive, to capture the harmony that exists between things and between things and people. In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant explains how and what man knows but does not explain the relationship between things and between things and man himself. Man lives in fact in a state of perpetual insecurity and always tries to grasp the purpose, goal, the purpose of things. Obviously this is an effort without need for knowledge, because we know that man can never know in a scientific manner that is not given by the senses. Despite this, however, man needs to have everything under control, he needs to find an ultimate purpose of things, a harmony. As the ideas are really no entities are also reflective judgments noumentici, worthless knowledge, serves only to express their this need to give an order, an ultimate purpose to things. Through practical reason Kant explains, by imposing a universal law, the unity between the two worlds, with regard to human action. In the Critique of Judgement Kant speaks instead of feeling that must bring unity and harmony of things, thus avoiding a clear separation between the sensible world and the intelligible world.

The feeling is expressed through two types of judgments, aesthetic evaluation, which deals with beauty, and that allows us to understand intuitively the purpose of nature, and the Judgement teleological, which allows you to seize this purpose Conceptualism.

aesthetic judgments in aesthetic judgments beauty is the feeling aroused by the relationship between us and objects. is not a property of objects but a reflection that is set in motion by the relationship between us and the thing capable of arousing.

Beautiful is what they like with no interest - because it responds to a need for material or physical need.

Beautiful is that which pleases universally without a concept - as the player like any man, even if everyone's subjective attributes of the royalties, which is good for everyone in different ways but still beautiful (the concept that Kant calls the subjective universality).

The beauty is the shape of an object's purpose, as this is perceived without representation of purpose - why we can not understand the purpose in a particular subject.

Bello is no concept of what is recognized as being a pleasure to be - although it requires subjective universally to all men. The beauty

therefore has no interest, why do not correspond to a physical need, why not have a concept like universalemtne despite different motivations, is the shape of an object purpose do, because we could not take this purpose in particular, and turns out to be necessarily imposed on all men.


If the beautiful things about the limited, but the concerns SUBLIME the unlimited world. To this world he has an attitude of wonder as he realizes his limitations and therefore his sofrzo in trying to overcome them do more. The nature for man, which is made of sensitivity, it is always reduced to a mere mechanism, everything is created, everything is destroyed. But man is also right, that is, strive for gain to exceed the limits of sensibility, and this effort led him to seek a natural phenomenon in any END delegated to a higher intelligence. Here Kant is truly enlightened, looking for a reason estrna imperfection of things in the world harmonic organization of things themselves. The search for order in everything, attributed a un ente perfetto, non obbedisce ad alcuna ragione conoscitiva o speculativa, non ha quindi nessuna consistenza teoretica, ma è necessario perchè in questo modo l’uomo riesce a trovare una spiegazione alla vita organica. Come per i postulati della ragion pratica questa spiegazione ha solo un carattere regolativo, quindi non ha alcun carattere di verità.

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Il contenuto delle lezioni svolte secondo questo programma è stato pubblicato SCHOOL ON LINE on my blog at the url, where you can consult it in detail. This content has been made available to students as a reference for individual study.

Subject: History
Text: Guarracino - De Bernardi, Eastern Time, time in the world. Addison
Hours per week: 3

specialized courses
Social dimensions of historical knowledge: the Story of the twentieth century.

program history was divided according to the type form is divided into macro areas of historical, social, political and economic. The modularization of content scanning followed the proposal in the textbook adoption with some digressions Sometimes the extension of parts of interdisciplinary interest.


THE GREAT WAR - The historical reasons, political and social conflict - The Triple Alliance - The Triple Entente - From the brief war in the war of attrition - in Italy war between neutralist and interventionists - The victory of the Entente.
THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR - The turning point in history. The ground war - The mobilization of the masses - the social conflict - the new world order.
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION - The roots of the Russian Revolution - The two revolutions of 1917 - The Civil War - The War Communism and the New Economic Policy.


- The dissolution of empires - The separation of Austria and Hungary - The Weimar Republic.
THE POST-WAR OF WINNERS - Twenty Years in the U.S. - France and Britain - The birth of the Soviet Union - Conferences and peace treaties - The League of Nations.
the rise of Mussolini - The economic and social crisis in postwar Italy - the red biennium - The Rise of tow Fighting - The squads - The crisis of liberal arrangements in Italy and in Europe - the transition to the dictatorship (1922 / 25). MODULE 3

ETA 'totalitarianism

the Great Depression - The economic and social del dopoguerra - La crisi del 1929 e le sue ripercussioni sulle economie europee - La risposta alla crisi e il New Deal - Il modello economico di J. M. Keynes.
IL REGIME FASCISTA - Caratteristiche generali del Fascismo - La politica di Mussolini - La guerra d’Etiopia - L’antifascismo.
IL REGIME NAZISTA - L’ascesa di Hitler e la fine della Repubblica di Weimar - La politica hitleriana e il Mein Kampf - La difesa della razza - L’espansionismo e il riarmo - L’economia tedesca.r
L’URSS DI STALIN - Il dopo Lenin e l’avvento di Stalin - L’industrializzazione forzata e la trasformazione del paese - Le rivolte dei contadini - La repressione delle rivolte.
I FASCISMI EUROPEI - La Guerra Civile spagnola - The rise of France - the nationalist regimes emerged in Europe and the Balkan Danube.


- The roots of the conflict - the German blitzkrieg - The expansion of the Axis - The turning point of 1941 U.S. intervention - The defeat of the Axis.
Nazism COMMITTEE - Dissemination of Nazism in Europe - The Holocaust - The European Resistance - The Italian Resistance - September 8, 1943.
THE END OF THE WAR - The atomic bomb - the peace treaties. Dividing the world into two spheres of influence. MODULE 5

the Second World War

the years of reconstruction - The Cold War - Reconstruction Italian - Mao's China - The Rise of the Middle East question.
YEARS OF RECOVERY - The de-Stalinization - The revolution in Cuba - The Asian crisis - The war in Vietnam - The Middle East crisis - the Pacific - Sixty-eight.

San Gavino Monreale, June 1, 2010


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EMILIO Lussier
San Gavino Monreale (VS)


The content of the lessons conducted in accordance with this program has been published SCHOOL ON LINE on my blog at the url, where you can consult it in detail. This content has been made available to students as a reference for individual study.

Subject: Philosophy
Text: Abbagnano - Forneo, routes philosophy, Pearson.
Hours per week: 3

specialized courses
criticism of society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


Practice -
materialism Historical materialism Dialectical materialism

Capital - Economic theory
capitalists and workers


Stuart Mill


La filosofia e la scienza
La Legge dei tre stadi
La sociologia come fisica sociale
La religione positiva


La tragedia greca
Dionisiaco e Apollineo
La decadenza della civiltà
La critica alla morale e alla religione
La morte di Dio
Il nichilismo
La volontà di potenza
Il superuomo
L’eterno ritorno dell’uguale


La società del conflitto
La politica
Il parlamento


Il concetto di verificabilità
Il Circolo di Vienna
Schlich - Neurath

San Gavino Monreale, 1 giugno 2010


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Il contenuto delle lezioni svolte secondo questo programma è stato pubblicato sul mio blog SCUOLA ON LINE alla url, where you can consult it in detail. This content has been made available to students as a reference for individual study.

Subject: History
Text: Guarracino - De Bernardi, Eastern Time, time in the world. Addison
Hours per week: 3

Company was specialized courses in the history of modern Europe

The History program has been organized according to the type form is divided into macro areas of historical, social, political and economic. The modularization of content scanning followed the proposal from the textbook adoption with some digressions into times of expanding share of interdisciplinary interest.


Economics, politics, society
Europe regional states
The Hundred Years' War
The descent of Charles VIII in Italy


economics, politics, society
The crisis of the papacy and the Reformation
The work of the Inquisition
The crisis of the Italian Regional States
The Peace of Augsburg


Economics, politics, society
The religious wars in Europe between Catholics and Protestant
The Thirty Years' War and Peace of Westphalia
The new political and institutional models in Europe


Birth of modern states
absolutist France

England Revolution English constitutional

San Gavino Monreale, June 1, 2010


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EMILIO Lussier
San Gavino Monreale (VS)


The content of the lessons conducted in accordance with this program has been posted on my blog at the url SCHOOL ON LINE, dove è possibile consultarlo nei dettagli. Tale contenuto è stato messo a disposizione degli studenti come riferimento per lo studio individuale.

Materia: Filosofia
Testo: Abbagnano - Forneo, Itinerari di filosofia, Paravia.
Ore settimanali: 2

Genesi del pensiero occidentale - Filosofie di Grecia e di Roma


Le origini del pensiero
Il monismo
La Scuola Ionica
Talete - Anassimandro - Anassimene
La Scuola Pitagorica e Pitagora
La Scuola Eleatica
Senofane - Parmenide - Zenone
Il Pluralismo
Empedocle - Anassagora


La Sofistica
Protagora - Gorgia


Il mito . L’uomo - Il dialogo
Idee e cose
I due mondi
I rapporti tra i due mondi
La conoscenza
Lo Stato
La condanna dell’arte imitativa


Aristotele e Platone
La Metafisica
La Fisica
La Logica
La Psicologia
La Politica
La Poetica



San Gavino Monreale, 1 giugno 2010


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Il contenuto delle lezioni svolte secondo questo programma è stato pubblicato sul mio blog SCUOLA ON LINE alla url, dove è possibile consultarlo nei dettagli. Tale contenuto è stato messo a disposizione degli studenti come riferimento per lo studio individuale.

Materia: Storia
Testo: Guarracino - De Bernardi, Eastern Time, time in the world. Addison
Hours per week: 3

specialized courses
Tensions and conflicts in Republican.

program history was divided according to the type form is divided into macro areas of historical, social, political and economic. The modularization of content scanning followed the proposal from the textbook adoption with some digressions into times of expanding share of interdisciplinary interest.


EUROPE AND THE WORLD AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY - The internal tensions - The international tensions - The Rise of Nationalism - The Balkan question. Giolitti
ITALY - take-off industries - social struggles - The crisis of the century - Social policy of Giolitti - Reformism - The crisis of balance and the end of the Giolitti government.
THE GREAT WAR - The historical reasons, political and social conflict - The Triple Alliance - The Triple Entente - From the brief war in the war of attrition - Italy in the war between neutralist and interventionists - The victory of the Entente.
THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR - The turning point in history. The ground war - The mobilization of the masses - the social conflict - the new world order.
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION - The roots of the Russian Revolution - The two revolutions of 1917 - War Civil - The War Communism and the New Economic Policy.


- The dissolution of empires - The separation of Austria and Hungary - The Weimar Republic.
THE POST-WAR OF WINNERS - Twenty Years in the U.S. - France and Britain - The birth of the Soviet Union - Conferences and peace treaties - The League of Nations.
the rise of Mussolini - The economic and social crisis in postwar Italy - the red biennium - The Rise of tow Fighting - The squads - The crisis of liberal arrangements in Italy and in Europe - the transition to the dictatorship (1922 / 25). MODULE 3

ETA 'totalitarianism

the Great Depression - the economic and social framework of the postwar period - the 1929 crisis and its impact on European economies - the response to the crisis and the New Deal - The economic model of JM Keynes.
The fascist regime - General Characteristics of Fascism - Mussolini's policy - The war in Ethiopia - Anti-fascism.
the Nazi regime - the rise of Hitler and the end of the Weimar Republic - Politics and Hitler's Mein Kampf - The defense of the race - the expansion and rearmament - The economy tedesca.r
Stalin's USSR - The advent of Stalin after Lenin - The forced industrialization and the transformation of the country - The Peasants' Revolt - The repression riots.
The European fascism - The English Civil War - Franco's rise - The nationalist regimes emerged in Europe and the Balkan Danube.


- The roots of the conflict - the German blitzkrieg - The expansion of the Axis - The turning point of 1941 U.S. intervention - The defeat of the Axis.
Nazism COMMITTEE - Dissemination of Nazism in Europe - The Holocaust - The European Resistance - The Italian Resistance - September 8, 1943.
THE END OF THE WAR - The atomic bomb - the peace treaties. Dividing the world into two spheres of influence. MODULE 5

the Second World War

GLI ANNI DELLA RICOSTRUZIONE - La Guerra Fredda - La ricostruzione italiana - La Cina di Mao - La nascita della questione del Medio Oriente.
GLI ANNI DELLA RIPRESA - La destalinizzazione - La rivoluzione di Cuba - La crisi asiatica - Il conflitto in Vietnam - La crisi del Medio Oriente - Il pacifismo - Il Sessantotto.

San Gavino Monreale, 1 giugno 2010


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The content of the lessons conducted in accordance with this program has been posted on my blog SCHOOL ON LINE the url where you can consult it in detail. This content has been made available to students as a reference for individual study.

Subject: History
Text: Guarracino - De Bernardi, Eastern Time, time in the world. Addison
Hours per week: 2

specialized courses
Birth and crisis of modern states in Europe.

program history was divided according to the type form is divided into macro areas of historical, social, political and economic. The modularization of content followed the scan given by the textbook adoption with some digressions into times of expanding share of interdisciplinary interest.


BIRTH OF ANCIENT REGIME - The demographic recovery - The recovery in the economy and trade - Mercantilism - The new company - The commercial competition - Colonialism.
SOCIETY 'Ancien Régime - The three states - social classes.
the France of Louis XIV - The absolutist policy of the Sun King - The centralism - Relations with the Church and the Articles Gallicani - The Colbert under Louis XIV and the economy.
the monarchies of Europe the late seventeenth century - The Rise of Prussia Hohenzollern - take-off of the Hapsburg Empire - The Russia of Peter the Great - the elective monarchy of Poland - The Scandinavian monarchies - Spain and Britain in the late seventeenth century.


- War of English Succession - The new European balance - the War of Polish Succession - The apogee and the French peace treaties of Utrecht and Rstadt - The Pragmatic Sanction and the advent of Maria Theresa on the throne of Austria - The War of the Austrian Succession and the Peace of Aachen - The situation in Italy - The Kingdom of Sardinia
lighting - General characteristics of the Enlightenment - The figures of ' Enlightenment: Montesquieu e Voltaire - Assolutismo e separazione dei poteri - La nascita della Libera Muratoria - Geografia dell’Illuminismo europeo - Il dispotismo illuminato e le riforme - Le riforme in Europa - Le riforme in Italia.


LA RIVOLUZIONE AMERICANA - Le tredici colonie inglesi e i loro rapporti con la madrepatria - Il Boston Tea Party - La rivolta delle colonie - La Dichiarazione di Indipendenza - La guerra con l’Inghilterra - la nascita degli Stati Uniti - La Costituzione e gli Emendamenti - I poteri federali.
LA RIVOLUZIONE FRANCESE - Una rivoluzione atlantica - Le origini - Le classi sociali - Le fasi - La fase borghese e la rivoluzione del 1789 - La fase monarchico-costituzionale - La Republican phase - The Jacobin phase - the phase Thermidor - The birth of the Directory and the rise of Napoleon.


Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte - From two years consular Empire - The Napoleonic reforms - The state of Napoleon - The end of Empire. MODULE 5


THE RESTORATION OF RESTORATION - The end of the continental block - Trends and leaders of the Restoration - The Congress of Vienna. THE EUROPEAN
great liberal revolution - the liberal movements of the 1820/21 - 1830/31 of the liberal movements - Mazzini and Young Italy - The Springtime of Peoples.

San Gavino Monreale June 1, 2010


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EMILIO Lussier
San Gavino Monreale (VS)


The content of the lessons conducted in accordance with this program has been posted on my blog SCHOOL ON LINE the url where you can consult it in detail. This content has been made available to students as a reference for individual study.

Subject: History
Text: Guarracino - De Bernardi, Eastern Time, time in the world. Addison
Hours per week: 2

Company was specialized courses in the history of modern Europe

The History program has been organized according to the type form is divided into macro areas of historical, social, political and economic. The modularization of content scanning followed the proposal from the textbook adoption with some digressions into times of expanding share of interdisciplinary interest.


Economics, politics, society
Europe regional states
The Hundred Years' War
The descent of Charles VIII in Italy


economics, politics, society
The crisis of the papacy and the Reformation
The work of the Inquisition
The crisis of the Italian Regional States
The Peace of Augsburg


Economics, politics, society
The religious wars in Europe between Catholics and Protestants
The Thirty Years War and the Peace of Westphalia
The new political and institutional models in Europe

Birth of modern states
absolutist France

England Revolution English constitutional

San Gavino Monreale, June 1, 2010


Saturday, May 8, 2010

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Economics, politics and society


The 400 - the fifteenth century - is the century of renewal, and represents the transition to the modern age, but also a century of political strife, religious and social tensions. The most important events are the beginning of the Protestant movement, which will lead to the Schism - separation - between the Catholic and Protestant churches, the conclusion of the Hundred Years War between England and France, the birth of the Regional States in Italy and in Europe, monarchies that had an area molto piccolo, governate da un Signore o da un Principe, la nascita dell’Umanesimo in Italia, movimento culturale che si trasformerà successivamente nel Rinascimento; la nascita del Tribunale dell’Inquisizione, istituito dalla Chiesa Cattolica, la scoperta dell’America da parte di Cristoforo Colombo nel 1492.


Il 400 è il secolo dell’Umanesimo, un movimento culturale che rappresenta il cambiamento della cultura italiana ed europea. Gli studi umanistici sono basati sul recupero delle opere antiche, e il principale oggetto di ricerca è l’uomo: il nome Umanesimo deriva infatti dalla parola latina humanitas, cioè umanità, e indica un nuovo metodo di conoscenza. La sua main feature is therefore the study of things done by men, and especially the history and ancient languages, are the main tools of the humanists.


crisis continues to Empire and the Catholic Church. In Italy and in Europe came the Regional States. They are small states, ruled by a Lord (and therefore called the Lord) or a prince (in this case they are called principalities). Prince govern without Parliament, its power is absolute. Lord helps many great artists and writers. In Germany, the birth of the Protestant movement, some of the principalities of the German Lutheran faith constitute independent states by the Emperor and the Church of Rome. In 1555, the PACE AUGSBURG allow the German princes to choose the official religion of their principles, according to the "deceased regio, eius religio," that is, each king's religion.


the Protestant movement was born with the ideas of theologians Wycliffe and Huss, and extends in Central Europe. In this century, worsen the crisis in the Church, which, with the rise of Humanism and the Renaissance, loses control of the literary, philosophical and scientific. The man of 400 search of answers in nature and science, and discovers the magic starts to get rid of old superstitions. The Church of Rome corresponds with the creation of the Inquisition, the Special Court, which had the task of questioning, prosecute and convict enemies of the Catholic Church, often subjected to atrocious torture. Among the victims there were more famous philosophers such as Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella, and scientists like Galileo Galilei.


At the end of the century the marriage of King Cattolhci, Ferdinand and Isabella unified the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile. Born in Spain, a strong kingdom, ruled by the power of the Inquisition, an important instrument of political and social control. In 1492 the Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus, helped by the Catholic Kings, part of the discovery of America. Thus began the expansion of European powers in the New World, especially Britain and Spain, the protagonists of the next century with the "war da corsa" dei pirati inglesi e spagnoli nelle acque dell'Oceano Atlantico. La scoperta dell'America, e la nascita delle nuove rotte commerciali verso il Nuovo Mondo, sono la causa della crisi del Mediterraneo, abbandonato dal commercio europeo.

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Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Otto Neurath (Vienna, 10 dicembre 1882 – Oxford, 22 dicembre 1945) è stato un sociologo, economista e filosofo austriaco.

Esponente non ortodosso del marxismo, fece parte dell'ala sinistra del Circolo di Vienna. Egli rifiutò sia la metafisica che l'epistemologia. Neurath vedeva nel marxismo un tipo di scienza e considerava la scienza uno strumento di cambiamento. Nel 1919 fu leading the social program of Bavaria.


He studied in Vienna and Berlin mathematics, economics, history and philosophy. He obtained his doctorate in 1907 in Berlin, in the meantime he worked in the Ministry of Defence and Austrian obtain teaching qualifications in 1917 in Heidelberg. Back in Vienna, he began working on the project that will result in the "Social and Economic Museum, and became interested in graphic design by inventing the visual method of education called isotype.

After the events of February 12, 1934 and the creation of so-called "Ständestaat" first emigrated to the Netherlands at The Hague, in 1940 he fled to Britain where he died in 1945 in Oxford.

The theory of correspondence between statements and facts had been generally accepted by members of the Vienna Circle, with the exception of Neurath's argument that the claim that the protocols to record experiences and, as such, should enjoy a privileged way in relation to other sentences is unfounded, since any proposition, protocol or not, may be altered or rejected in the name of its coherence with other sentences. Each new sentence should be compared with the system: if it is compatible with it can be accepted, if not you can reject it, as you can change the system or part of it, since no proposition, even those of protocol, are intangibles.

The basic theme of the thought of Neurath was the definition of science as a pure language, through which all the fundamental changes occurring in the evolution of the disciplines. Neurath
dissociated himself from the Vienna Circle in the criterion of linguistic correctness of the propositions for which empirical evidence is not necessary with the data, but only a comparison with other sentences under the present system of science. [1]

In 1936, Otto Neurath introduced a system of pictograms designed as an international visual language. Isotype (the name of the group of pictograms) includes a set of stylized human figures that will form the basis for modern icons human figures in the trait. For this reason it is considered one of the fathers of computer graphics design or information (in English or InfoDesign information design).

Thursday, May 6, 2010

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5AL5BP 17

Taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


The term industrial revolution, most likely used for the first time back in the twenties of the nineteenth century, modeled in analogy with the term the French Revolution (suggestion by Raymond Williams), was certainly cited , according to the historian Fernand Braudel, the French in 1837 by economist Adolphe Blanqui, brother of the famous revolutionary Auguste Blanqui. However, it was finally consecrated only in 1884 by Arnold Toynbee with the publication of his Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England.

was previously used, inter alia, by:

Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1867);
John Stuart Mill in his Principles (1848);
Friedrich Engels in The situation of the working class in England (1845).
The term revolution is to be a complete change in society or in some aspects, such as in the scientific revolution.

The term industry is very old but it is only at the end of the eighteenth century which acquires the meaning of "manufacturing", although already in 1713 can be to trace the beginning of the decline of the proto-founded when John Lombe a plant with a car for work silk, spending as many as 300 workers.

Definition of Industrial Revolution

For industrial revolution is a process of economic evolution from a traditional agricultural system-commercial-door to a modern industrial system characterized the general use of machinery driven by power and the use of new inanimate sources of energy (eg fossil fuels). Often distinguishes between first and second industrial revolution. The first concerns mainly the textile and metallurgical industry and involves the introduction of the flying shuttle [1] and steam engine, and its time span is usually between 1760-1780 and 1830. The second industrial revolution is made conventionally from 1870-1880, with the introduction of electricity, chemicals and oil. Sometimes we refer to the effects of the massive electronics and information industry as the third industrial revolution, which is made from 1970 [2].

The industrial revolution leads to a profound and irreversible transformation that leaves the production system to involve the economic system as a whole and the entire social system. The appearance of the factory and the machine changes the relationship between actors productive. Born so the working class which receives, in exchange for their work and time made available for factory work, a salary. Stands the industrial capitalist, entrepreneur and owner of the factory of the means of production, which aims to increase the profitability of their business.

Boundary and temporal distribution

The term revolution, initially indicating a circular motion that returns to itself, she then called a break, a reversal. The term industrial revolution is implicitly refers to this second sense. The production system resulting from the industrial revolution is radically different from the previous system of an agricultural-manufacturing.
Alcuni storici minimizzano l'importanza degli avvenimenti identificati alla rivoluzione industriale sostenendo che le trasformazioni strutturali delle economie europee ebbero inizio già nel secolo precedente. Più che di una rottura si tratterebbe solo, per questi autori, di un' accelerazione di un processo già in corso. In Inghilterra, primo paese nel quale si assiste alla rivoluzione industriale, questo processo ha avuto luogo nella sua prima fase e secondo la delimitazione di Thomas S. Ashton (1756), fra il 1760 – anno d'inizio del regno di Giorgio III – e il 1830 – anno d'inizio del regno di Guglielmo IV. Questa prima rivoluzione industriale prende avvio nel settore tessile (cotone), metallurgico (ferro) ed estrattivo (Coal). The Victorian period (1831-1901), which is the second industrial revolution (1850 ca.), It will be for England and dell'apogeo the development of its economy, the archetype of industrial-capitalist system.
The industrial revolution was then extended to other states, particularly France, Germany, USA and Japan to involve the entire West, and in the twentieth century, other regions in the world, first of all Asia. Each country has followed its own path to the industrial revolution and the same has been achieved in different ways. So if England in the process began in the textile sector, other countries, the industrial revolution was literally driven by the introduction of the locomotive (Thompson) steam. The role of the state varies from country to country: in England where the Industrial Revolution arose spontaneously and was fueled by the initiative (although supported and encouraged by legislation enacted by Parliament, such as those relating to fences and roads), in other countries the State has contributed major and often decisive.

Other historians, like Jean Gimpel support even the existence of previous industrial revolutions that arose in England in the late eighteenth century. In feudal times it would have made major revolutions in agricultural technology and industry, just think of the role of the mills. John Nef supports the existence of an industrial revolution in England as early as the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century. The Industrial Revolution thus arises between rupture and / or continuity.

The factors that determine a state industrial

To declare that a country is making the process of industrialization must be a faster GDP growth of population growth (must be positive, but not excessive). In the British case, the GDP growth ranges from +2% to +4% per year, while the annual population increase of about +1%. The growth of industrial population must be greater than that of other sectors (agriculture and services). And the relationship between the number of workers and the amount of product must be in growth (productivity growth). To recover funds for the opening of new industries is essential to the development of business in order to accumulate capital. Another essential factor is the Revolution "agricultural" or transformation of agricultural property by allowing the expulsion of the workforce from the country transfer to the city (to work in the industry). Population growth is another useful factor for the increase in industrial labor (always kept below the threshold of GDP). The latter two factors, increasing the workforce allow a lowering prices, promoting the offer.

The three areas of Colin Clark

economist Colin Clark drew up the law of the three areas (or Colin Clark), which correlates with the development of the transformation of the economy itself: at first, corresponding to the Industrial Revolution, we are witnessing the decline of importance in the agricultural sector and increasing the role of the industrial sector, which becomes more important to share product and employment, in a second phase we are witnessing the passing of the sector by the tertiary industry (so named because it falls neither in the first sector, agriculture, or in the second, the industrial sector). The service sector is currently considered the most important sector of the economy, and consolidate the overall trade, tourism, consulting (in all areas from banking, the media ....).


steam engine (1864)
As with so many historical processes for the industrial revolution, there is no certain start date, although the invention is the cornerstone of the steam engine. Any profound change in the economy is indeed influenced by such changes before the Industrial Revolution and is considered by some scholars as the last time a series of changes that have transformed Europe from the ground poor, underdeveloped and sparsely populated all'inizio del Medioevo, nella zona più ricca e sviluppata del mondo nel corso dell'Ottocento. L'accumulo di capitale incamerato in seguito ai commerci e la disponibilità di ingenti quantità di acciaio e carbone nei paesi del Nord, facilmente trasportabili attraverso una fitta rete di canali navigabili, resero possibili gli investimenti necessari alla creazione delle prime fabbriche.

Da un punto di vista economico, l'elemento che caratterizza la Rivoluzione industriale è il salto di qualità nella capacità di produrre beni, cui si assiste in Gran Bretagna, a partire dalla seconda metà del Settecento. Più precisamente la crescita dell'economia inglese nel periodo 1760-1830 è la più alta registrata fino a that time. In other countries the process of industrialization is similar origin, in successive periods, high rates of economic growth.

Basically, the Industrial Revolution has been the port which has led to increased scientific knowledge about the natural world, and its characteristics, resulting from the Scientific Revolution. It was in fact the new scientific methods started by the Italian Galileo Galilei to lead to a significant (and unprecedented) increase in knowledge that Europeans had on nature, and particularly on the materials and their properties. Conditions are particularly favorable in England then the time allowed to such scientific knowledge to transform into knowledge tecniche e tecnologiche, finché esse cominciarono ad essere applicate nelle prime fabbriche tessili e nell'industria siderurgica per una produzione di ferro ed acciaio che non ebbe paragoni nella precedente storia dell'umanità.

Dal punto di vista tecnologico la Rivoluzione industriale si caratterizza, come già detto, per l'introduzione della macchina a vapore. Nella storia dell'umanità il maggior vincolo alla crescita della produzione di beni è infatti quello energetico. Per molti secoli l'umanità si trova a disporre soltanto dell'energia meccanica offerta dal lavoro di uomini e animali, e questo oltre a tutti i problemi che ne derivavano non dava la possibilità di incrementare la produzione essendo legati al lavoro manuale. The gradual introduction, starting from the Middle Ages, the watermill and the windmill is the first major innovation.

abundant energy supply from the steam engine is applied to the textile, making possible a more efficient organization of production through the division of labor and the movement of workers within a custom-built factories, as well as mining and transport . Mining activities will benefit from the strength of the steam engine during the extraction of water from the mines, allowing you to dig deeper, as well as in the transport of ore extracted. The first rail cars used to carry out mining il minerale, poi a portarlo a destinazione. Solo in un secondo tempo il trasporto su rotaia si converte nel trasporto di passeggeri. La rivoluzione industriale ha prodotto effetti non solo in campo economico e tecnologico, ma anche un aumento dei consumi e della quota del reddito, dei rapporti di classe, della cultura, della politica, delle condizioni generali di vita, con effetti espansivi sul livello demografico jn hgnh.

Perché in Inghilterra

Per approfondire, vedi la voce Rivoluzione industriale in Inghilterra.
Importante per la Rivoluzione industriale in Inghilterra fu l'agricoltura; infatti l'Inghilterra fu la prima ad avere una agricoltura di mercato (non per auto-consumo ma per profitto) che, unita all'innovazione tecnologica, eliminò molta manodopera dalle campagne, facendola rifluire verso la città, dove troverà occupazione nella nascente industria. Ma il fenomeno delle enclosures, per cui molta terra demaniale lasciata al libero pascolo venne privatizzata e recintata, privò i contadini più poveri del libero diritto di pastorizia e li spinse a trovare nuovo impiego nelle fabbriche. La disponibilità ingente di manodopera a basso costo, unita alla grande disponibilità di carbone per alimentare le macchine a vapore, contribuì in maniera fondamentale al decollo industriale del paese. Inoltre l'Inghilterra si trova in una posizione geografica favorevole ai commerci nell'Oceano Atlantico, mentre la sua insularità le consentì una facile defense of its borders, avoiding the periodic devastation that, in contrast, had to suffer the rest of Europe for several seven-nineteenth-century wars. Another important factor is the agricultural revolution that developed in the eighteenth century, and with advanced systems such as the planned three-year rotation of crops facilitated industrial development and population.

Economic Dynamics

To explain how it moved from a manufacturing system for small enterprise to an industrial type must be considered that the demand for goods has increased in England in the period before the industrial revolution. This is due both to population growth or the level of per capita income and wages, more elevato di molti paesi europei, sia alla domanda di beni inglesi proveniente dagli immensi territori coloniali: da cui proveniva, per esempio, il cotone grezzo della Virginia, che lavorato veniva rivenduto ovunque, compresi i territori coloniali. Il monopolio del commercio del thè consentì alla corona di incamerare cifre ragguardevoli. Si trattava, in pratica, di una domanda di beni di largo consumo, destinati a soddisfare bisogni elementari di crescenti masse di persone in patria e all'estero. La crescita della domanda favorì gli investimenti in impianti industriali e in macchinari, i quali, per essere convenienti, richiedono che la domanda di beni sia sostenuta. Tuttavia, in settori come il tessile il passaggio graduale delle lavorazioni, inizialmente type of craft, in a factory system allowed to invest gradually, as they had accumulated the necessary capital. This is the case of waterways and railways, whose construction is due in large part to the initiative of individuals, encouraged to invest in new areas to meet the growing demand of the relevant social services. Technological innovations

Technical innovations involved machine tools and machines are driven, textile and heavy industry (metallurgy and mechanical). This became crucial in the mid-nineteenth century, coinciding with the development of railways. The domestic production of textiles was particularly slow in stage of spinning, because it takes five spinners to supply only one hand loom. The imbalance was accentuated in the mid-eighteenth century, when the time of weaving were further reduced by the spread of the flying shuttle (patented in 1733 by John Kay). In the second half of the century, two important inventions altered the landscape even more textile technology: James Hargreaves invented in 1765, Jeannette (or Spinning Jenny), and Richard Arkwright, in 1767, Spinning Wheel Hydraulic (Water or frame): the first accelerated spinning from 6 to 24 times, the second even hundreds of times. All this of course made obsolete handlooms. In 1787 Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom, which was finalized and adopted in the following decades: around 1825, one worker, supervising two looms, he could attend to a work with handlooms would have required the work of fifteen people. While in India to weave by hand 100 pounds of cotton needed more than 100,000 hours of work in Britain with the new machines were enough about 135 hours, which also increased its competitiveness. The increased production of tissue stimulated the development of the chemical industry to become competitive stages candeggiatura, dyeing and printing. Soon, the chemical industry became fundamental to all branches of production, both industrial and agricultural. The

industrial development demanded increasing amounts of energy, far superior to those provided by human hands. The research therefore aimed for the realization of suitable engines. James Watt (1736-1819) modified the steam engine, resulting in an efficiency four times higher than the previous steam engines (1787). During the nineteenth century, the steam engine came to affirm itself in other branches of the production chain (for example, in land and sea transport). It replaced the traditional sources of energy that had the serious disadvantage of not being available in the quantities and times and places required (wind and water mills), or not to be tireless and appropriate new machine tools (human and animal muscle power.) Another key factor was the abundant wealth of coal deposits in England: the steam engine made it possible to produce an energy intensity and an unprecedented concentration. With the adoption of the steam demand for iron and alloys suitable underwent a rapid increase.

the early eighteenth century, a decisive step in the steel industry, still in its pre-industrial stage, was achieved by Abraham Darby, which for the processing of iron ore had been using, instead of charcoal, coke , ie the anthracite distilled dry to remove substances that would have polluted the processes melting. Without such innovation, the steel industry would soon meet "the limits of development," because the traditional use of charcoal would have quickly led to the destruction of forests. Since the combustion of coke in blast furnaces had to be revived by air currents far more intense than that obtained from the old bellows operated by the mills, it was necessary to use just for this purpose the steam engine, which then found its first application in a foundry . Between 1783 and 1784 Henry Cort introduced in the steel rolling and puddling. The latter consisted in the purification of iron ore by mixing at extremely high temperatures in the presence of oxidants. The lamination further purified iron and profiled to the required forms, passing it by force through the rollers of a rolling mill, which replaced the old method in mallet percussion and shortens the fifteen times. To obtain bars, rails or beams enough to change the shape of the rollers.

processes similar to those held in England between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are reproduced in all countries where the industrial revolution was affirmed. But while in England the industrial revolution was the result of private initiatives framed in any plan or program, elsewhere government intervention played a greater or lesser degree.

population explosion

The industrial revolution triggered different socio-economic dynamics that combinatesi each other, provoked in areas involved in rapid and significant increase in population.

Rising crop yields, which allowed a significant increase in the availability of resources, advances in hygiene and health, which brought down the mortality rates and raised the average age of the population, the extinction or at least reduce recurring disasters that struck centuries the most populated areas, such as plague, cholera, famine of various kinds, are all factors that jointly conducted within a few decades, an exponential increase of the population.

Overall, negli ultimi due secoli, a partire quindi dall'inizio della rivoluzione industriale, la popolazione europea è cresciuta di quasi quattro volte, la speranza di vita è passata da valori compresi tra i 25 e i 35 anni a valori che superano i 75 anni, il numero di figli per donna scesi da 5 a meno di 2 e natalità e mortalità scesi da valori compresi tra il 30 e il 40 per mille a valori prossimi al 10.[3]

L'esplosione delle dinamiche demografiche a sua volta costituirà, specie nell'epoca della seconda rivoluzione industriale un fattore di sviluppo della economia, spingendo sempre più verso varie forme di consumismo, ma provocando anche nuovi problemi sociali e politici, legati all'inurbamento disordinato dei grandi centri, the distribution of resources, migration. Social impact of industrialization

The industrial revolution involved a general upheaval of social structures period, through the impressive acceleration of changes that brought in a few decades to the radical shift in lifestyle, relationships between social classes and even the appearance of cities, especially large ones.

fact, it was mainly in urban areas, especially industrial, which are more pronounced social changes, with the sudden growth of suburbs close to large cities, where the underclass who are flocking from the countryside looking for work in urban factories. It was mostly slums and slum, where living conditions were often for decades at the limit of practicality.

A similar situation, albeit with different variations and distinctive features depending on the age and the industrial countries, has continued until recent times, and gave occasion for a vast literature, politics, sociology, but also fiction. In France, for example, Emile Zola was to denounce her novels through the miserable conditions of the lower classes in Paris at that time, or for example miners, in the novel "Germinal". Before that, in Britain, Charles Dickens had repeatedly portrayed in his novels una umanità disperata e incattivita dagli spietati meccanismi produttivi imposti dalla rivoluzione industriale.

Nel verismo italiano è assente la realtà industriale, in quanto il meridione si poggiava essenzialmente su un sistema agricolo, sostituita dalla presenza di tanti personaggi di contadini oppressi e affamati dal monopolio della nobiltà rurale: Nedda, la ragazza protagonista della breve novella considerata uno dei massimi capolavori di Giovanni Verga, è un personaggio simbolo del disagio del Sud.

In campo politico-filosofico è indubbio che siano state le condizioni umane e sociali delle masse operaie dell'epoca ad aver stimolato le opere di Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels, che avranno nel secolo successivo una fundamental importance in the global political landscape.

Despite the often negative effects on the urban proletariat, due to the initial conditions of economic exploitation and uncontrolled urbanization, the industrial revolution in the long run, however, allowed to raise the welfare conditions of an increasingly large percentage of the population, already the leading late nineteenth century to a general improvement in health conditions (no accident that the industrial revolution in Europe and no longer met the nightmare of plague and famine of agricultural type), a significant rise in average life of individuals, a spread of literacy, the availability of more number of people of goods and services than in other periods were totally closed to the poor.

The numerous and important technological innovations have played a decisive role in this regard. The rise, which is concentrated in a few decades, major discoveries in science and medicine, and inventions such as industrial machinery, steam railway, electricity, gas lighting and electrical, telegraph, dynamite and in the second phase of the revolution, the phone and the car, he quickly transformed the lives of the people involved and the entire social framework of industrialized countries, changing old habits at the root of life and contributing to a rapid change of mentality and expectations of individuals.

The relationship between social classes were deeply modified: the aristocracy, already challenged by the French Revolution, finally lost with the Industrial Revolution, its leadership, in favor of bourgeois production. Formed in parallel for the first time a large class, which will be defined by Karl Marx "working class" that only decades later, slowly and painfully, will win his weight in the social and political life of industrialized countries.

part of some classes of workers innovations were seen as a competitor to their specializations, which opposed the birth of Luddism to 1811, proposing to destroy the machine with violence.

The transport revolution

Another factor triggering the Industrial Revolution was that of the transport revolution. The road system in France was expanded starting in 1738 and in 1780 had already grown to more than 25,000 kilometers of roads built. This halved the travel time, and then facilitated transport is also important for the supply of minerals and fossil-carbon.

A similar solution was found also for England but, instead of building roads, canals built for navigation. The first English canal was finished in 1761, forty years later, the network of channels was 1000 kilometers.

The streets of the city were equipped with an extensive network of tracks crossed by horse-drawn tram.
Another key innovation was the birth of the railway. PART TWO

SOCIALISM Socialism is a comprehensive set of ideologies and political orientations, movements and doctrines which tend to a transformation of society towards equality of all citizens in economic and social as well as legal. It can be defined as an economy that reflects the meaning of "social", who thinks the whole population. Originally all the doctrines and movements of the social matrix sought to achieve these goals by overcoming social classes and the abolition total or partial private ownership of means of production and exchange, with the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and the establishment of the Third International (1919) the revolutionary wing of the Socialists broke away in organizing the communist parties, while the socialist parties, now oriented in reformist and included in the bourgeois-democratic systems of different countries, mostly took gradually distanced himself from Marxism and recovered the bodies pre-Marxist socialist liberal utopianism, giving life to democratic socialism, social democracy and liberal socialism.

General Introduction

Socialism is a school of thought linked to political movements, since the nineteenth century, lottarono per modificare la vita sociale ed economica delle classi meno abbienti e in particolare del proletariato.

Il movimento operaio da cui scaturì il socialismo pose per la prima volta il problema della giustizia sociale e dell'uguaglianza economica al centro dell'agenda politica. Trasformò radicalmente le forme della politica organizzandosi in partiti di massa e cercando di coordinare la propria attività politica a livello internazionale.

Il socialismo si oppone inizialmente al liberalismo classico, che postula il liberismo in economia, chiedendo invece la nazionalizzazione o la socializzazione di tutte o parte delle attività economiche e dei mezzi di produzione. Contesta l'idea delle neutralità delle istituzioni statali than the class struggle and fighting for a change in the role of the state or even in the version put forward by Karl Marx and recovery from anarchism to its elimination.

On the international socialist movement began as a pacifist movement in favor of self-determination, in opposition to nationalism and imperialism. In practice, however, many socialist parties or currents, they end up abandoning pacifism and internationalism, supporting the war effort of their country with patriotic motives. This betrayal causes controversy in many countries and divisions.

parties and movements were very different from each other socially defined, many of them still survive oggi e formano una delle più importanti correnti politiche in Europa, nonché la principale componente della sinistra europea. Il movimento socialista conosce numerosissime scissioni, accuse reciproche di aver tradito gli ideali originari, etc. etc. La scissione più importante è probabilmente quella verificatasi all'indomani della Rivoluzione d'Ottobre, che vede una larga fetta della sinistra dei partiti socialisti staccarsi e scegliere la denominazione comunista, già utilizzata in passato da alcuni teorici socialisti come Karl Marx. Per informazioni sul comunismo e su altre particolari correnti del socialismo si rimanda alle pagine relative, così come per l'illustrazione dettagliata delle dottrine dei vari pensatori socialisti.

Le origini: il Socialismo Utopistico

I movimenti ottocenteschi derivano dalle lotte rivoluzionarie repubblicane, in particolare dall'esperienza della rivoluzione francese con il movimento dei Montagnardi e dei Sanculotti, e dalle rivolte contadine che dal Medioevo si ripetevano ciclicamente contro l'aristocrazia terriera; talvolta queste rivolte assumevano connotati religiosi che sfociavano nell'egualitarismo e nella comunione dei beni di produzione. Nel XIX secolo si ebbe il socialismo di Robert Owen in Inghilterra, mentre in Francia un'influenza sui primi movimenti l'ebbe anche il Sansimonismo, una corrente politico-religiosa che divulgava il pacifismo e la comunione dei beni in una società che avrebbe dato a ogni individuo il ruolo a lui più congeniale. Nello stesso filone si inserì Auguste Blanqui.

I primi movimenti sono definiti socialismo utopistico e hanno posto le basi della ideologia socialista, individuandone gli scopi e proponendo un modello volontario di vita sociale comune.

Non è da trascurare la corrispondenza tra il socialismo originario e la matrice dell' illuminismo, sia in rapporto agli aspetti esteriori che connettono le due dottrine nei tratti unificanti della lotta all'oscurantismo e per l'emancipazione dell'umanità, sia in relazione alle corrispondenze di alcune figure chiave in entrambi i contesti, come Filippo Buonarroti e Adam Weishaupt.

Il Socialismo Scientifico e le sue derivazioni

Il termine socialismo scientifico was coined by Karl Marx to describe his vision of socialism, explained in his numerous works on society, history and economy. In contrast to the utopian socialism Marx believed that the practice of the labor movement should be guided by a rigorous analysis.

A Marx we owe the notion of class struggle, as illustrated in the Manifesto of the Communist Party. Marx proposes in his works to show how capitalism is run by the bourgeoisie to oppress the proletariat (industrial workers) in the historic period in which he wrote. Work Das Kapital (Capital), Karl Marx examines the capitalist buys labor from workers obtaining the right to resell the result of production resulting così profitto (vedi marxismo per i dettagli); questo, secondo Marx, porta a una insostenibile distribuzione della ricchezza.

Per Marx era solo questione di tempo: le classi lavoratrici di tutto il mondo, presa coscienza dei loro comuni obiettivi, si sarebbero unite per rovesciare il sistema capitalista che le opprimeva. Lo considerava un risultato possibile di un processo storico in atto.

Dalle rovine del capitalismo sarebbe sorta, dopo un periodo di transizione (dittatura del proletariato) in cui lo Stato avrebbe controllato i mezzi di produzione, una società in cui la proprietà sarebbe passata alla società stessa nel suo complesso (lo Stato era destinato a dissolversi). La proprietà privata sarebbe stata limited to personal effects. The result of the collective ownership of means of production would, in view of Marx, the end of the division of society into social classes and, consequently, the end of exploitation and the full realization of the individual. Atheism, characteristic of Marxist socialism, was a logical consequence of the dialectical materialism of Marxism as a method adopted.

Marx's ideas are developed in many different directions: some thinkers from Marx take only the method of analysis of society, while the nascent socialist movement enthusiastically embraces the revolutionary party, by keeping quiet about the non-Marxist socialist thought of as the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, the anarchist socialist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon matrix (which Marx called it bourgeois or socialist conservative in the Communist Manifesto) and other "utopian socialists" already mentioned.

was under the banner of socialism that was created the First International Workingmen's (or International Workers' Association), the organization that brought together the social movements around Europe, seeing in it as much as the current anarchist Marxist.

the "revisionism"

Eduard Bernstein was called the revisionist current moderate and reformist Marxism arose in the late nineteenth century, originated from the observation that the behavior of the capitalist economy did not seem to correspond to the predictions of Marxism.

After the depression of the last decades of the nineteenth century it had begun a new period of prosperity that seemed to rehabilitate the confidence in free trade and capitalism and so the moderate component of socialism (which was then known as either democratic socialism or social democracy) developed the "revisionist theory", which basically set out to abandon Marxism to achieving complete acceptance of market economy, perhaps with some "aggiustatina. Since then, those who accepted the revisionism and pursue the path of capitalism to achieve "reform" in the interests of workers were either called "socialisti democratici" o "socialdemocratici" (una esatta differenza tra i due termini si avrà solo nella seconda metà del 1900). Coloro che invece avversavano il revisionismo e la via riformista furono i "socialisti marxisti" e i "comunisti o socialrivoluzionari" (insieme chiamati genericamente "massimalisti"). Il maggior esponente del revisionismo fu il tedesco Eduard Bernstein (1850- 1932).

Il Socialismo democratico

Per approfondire, vedi la voce Socialdemocrazia.
Si definisce socialdemocrazia quell'insieme di movimenti socialisti che accettano il concetto di economia di mercato, di proprietà privata e il muoversi all'interno delle istituzioni liberali.

La socialdemocrazia si pone tra il socialismo marxista e il riformismo borghese. Essa infatti, in un primo tempo, pur ponendosi in prospettiva critica nei confronti del capitalismo, non ritenne ancora tempo per una sua totale abolizione.

Il ruolo che si assicurarono i partiti socialdemocratici nei decenni tra il XIX e XX secolo fu quello di lottare sia contro il riformismo borghese, che avrebbe portato la classe operaia a legarsi troppo al sistema capitalistico, che contro l'avventurismo rivoluzionario marxista, che avrebbe portato a scontrarsi con le strutture ancora solide del sistema. La socialdemocrazia non tende a farsi garante della sopravvivenza del sistema, ma vuole lavorare al suo interno per portare uno spirito di rinnovamento e di trasformazione costante.

The subsequent evolution leading social democracy which brought the compromise between the reformist liberal of the bourgeois and the major principles of the doctrine of socialist reform: during the years between the two world wars, with the proposal of two models as strong as the Soviet and fascist, the represents an alternative social democratic and reformist. Social democracy and communism came often to the head-on collision, in which the Social Democrats were treated to a "social" or "social", later to find a joint project against the fascist and Nazi.

the Second World War, social democracy in the West summarizes an important role among the dominant political forces and the natural port of call for all socialist reformists and liberal Democrats, it was also able to propose significant changes, such as the nationalization of some industries, the establishment of a mixed economy and the achievement of forms of social security for workers.

The contemporary social democracies are political parties that have abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe division of society into hostile classes and any printing project nineteenth century, the old model remains the only internationalist perspective that emphasizes the principle of joint action between all the social forces , or general social-democratic reforms in individual countries, in accordance with different national histories, of different economic situations and the plurality of cultural and ideological traditions. In many cases, even significant parts of the world and Catholic social reformist social democracy found in an excellent landing.

The "revolutionary socialism"

Main articles: communism and revolutionary socialism.
The reformist socialists believed that socialism was the natural evolution of Western society, which was to evolve naturally from capitalist communist due to the internal contradictions of capitalism, through a sequence of reforms.

While agreeing on this growth, the socialist revolutionaries like Rosa Luxemburg in Germany or Giacinto Menotti Tightened in Italy but thought that this change would never have happened spontaneously, but would require a revolution.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917 and 1919, the third international revolutionary socialism, the Marxist roots, largely coinciding with communism.

State Socialism

In a general sense with state socialism is any variety of socialism that is based on the ownership of the means of production by the state. State socialism is often referred to simply as "socialism", the term "state" is usually added only by the Socialists with a different vision, willing to criticize the state socialism, for example, anarchici.

Oggi, molti partiti politici europei della sinistra, sono sostenitori di varie forme di proprietà statale in forma di socialismo democratico. Questi socialisti moderati non sostengono il rovesciamento dello stato capitalista in una rivoluzione socialista, quindi accettano anche la continuazione dell'esistenza dello stato capitalista e del sistema economico capitalista, ma rivolto verso fini più sociali.

Dei socialisti democratici di oggi, soltanto una esigua parte spera ancora su una graduale e pacifica transizione dal capitalismo al (pieno) socialismo, attraverso l'evoluzione piuttosto che la rivoluzione. La maggior parte dei socialisti democratici però ha acquisito integralmente la visione propria della socialdemocrazia: that is, refuse in the trunk of any reference type and accept the Marxist capitalism, do not seek to overcome it, but to improve it to reach the 'social market economy ". Since the failed utopian socialism, revolutionary socialism and communist socialism, all organizations 'socialist' claim to be inspired by the modern democratic socialism and democratic socialists today are what we call sometimes "social democrats" and sometimes "socialist": this is due to the fact that all the socialists have come to the "democratic socialism" becoming "democratic reformers". By contrast, Marxism argues that a socialist revolution is the only practical way to implement radical changes in the capitalist system. Furthermore, says that after a certain period of time under socialism, the state must "die out", resulting in a communist society.

Leon Trotsky
Of course, the state has not vanished in the communist states of the twentieth century. Some Marxists defend what simply arguing that the transition had not been completed. Other Marxists denounce those were "communists" like Stalin, claiming that their leadership was corrupt and had abandoned Marxism keeping only the name. In particular, some schools of Marxism, Trotskyists call these states the term socialism is socialism for them against the truth, others use the term capitalism current Trotskyites status, to emphasize the absence of true socialism.

The libertarian socialists go further, deriding also Marxism as state socialism. They use the term primarily as a contrast to their form of socialism, which provides for the collective ownership of means of production without state intervention.

In Italy Italian Socialism, socialism will develop and disseminate the Italian Workers' Party, founded in Milan in 1882 and the Milanese Socialist League, and through movements and Marxist-derived minor leagues. In 1892, he founded the Italian Socialist Party, disbanded the following year by the government Crispi. Socialism finds himself up in the successive governments and collect PSI in the fringes of reformist and revolutionary. The "federation" does not, however, to cope with internal divisions and branches off in 1921 and the current communist (which will merge the PCI) and the reformists, who, expelled, he founded the Socialist Unity Party. Typically Italian phenomenon is the alliance of the PCI-PSI, and also the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity pursuing the idea of \u200b\u200ba socialism-communism coupled.

In Fascist Italy, the most representative of socialism are loose but still in hiding. Only with the Resistance socialist ideology found in the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity spokesman who, in 1945, will resume the name of the Italian Socialist Party. Since the establishment of the Republic, the PSI suffered many divisions, first with the founding of the Socialist Party of Italian Workers (later will comprise the current right of the PSI, making Italian Democratic Socialist Party). However in 1966, the two parties come together under the banner of PSI-PSDI Unified, except again divide again in 1969 with the posting of Democratic Socialists meeting in the Socialist Unity Party, which in 1971 became Italian Democratic Socialist Party. In 1964 he was bringing the division of the left of the party that formed the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity that will melt in 1972.

After the investigation of "Clean Hands", in 1992, the socialist parties lose consensus and break up within a few years. The Socialist diaspora brings in most of the current political exponents of socialism, beginning with the Italian Democratic Socialists and the New Socialist Party, to the Democrats of the Left and Forza Italy.

April 2007 during the congress of the party Sdi rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining the Democratic Party to create a socialist constituent with the intention of unifying all the socialist parties of inspiration that had broken up after 1992 to together into a single political entity. The new party will be named the Socialist Party.

the general elections of 13 and 14 April 2008, the Socialist Party, led by Enrico Boselli also candidate for prime minister, the dam does not exceed 4%, resulting in only about 1%. So for the first time in the history of the Republic shall not enter the Socialists in parliament. The 4-5-6 July there is the national congress of the Socialist Party and was elected its Secretary Riccardo Nencini. Your paper, voted unanimously, expresses the wish to come near the Democratic (PD), substituting into alliance Italy of Values.

In keeping with the Marxist, Leninist, but there is a Socialist.