Monday, December 7, 2009

Brazilian Wax Interview Men


. It was hypothesized that
serious forms of IBD can be transformed into

The most common clinical signs of feline IBD
are represented by diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and anorexia are
In most subjects, the disease has
ups and downs. In most cases, affected cats
are brought to visit only after the episodes have taken clear
frequent or severe. The history relates
l’iniziale comparsa di vomito che raramente è
accompagnato da diarrea.
Alcuni gatti non manifestano alcun segno gastointestinale
specifico e vengono portati alla visita unicamente per la
perdita di peso
Manifestazioni quali vomito, perdita
di peso e diarrea acquosa spesso vengono attribuite a
patologie del tratto gastrointestinale superiore, mentre disturbi
quali ematochezia, feci mucoidi, tenesmo e aumentata
frequenza delle defecazioni spesso vengono imputati a
patologie del tratto gastrointestinale inferiore. Tuttavia, i
segni clinici non sono sempre specifici per la sede coinvolta.
È possibile che il vomito consegua a disturbi del piccolo
o del grosso intestino rather than the stomach.

In most cats, the outcome of the clinical
is normal. The most common abnormalities include
or thickened bowel loops filled with fluid and weight loss
general. In case of persistent vomiting or diarrhea,
you can detect a state of disidratazioneTalvolta,
there is the presence of abdominal pain oppuredi inguinale.1 alopecia, 24

DIAGNOSIS The diagnosis of intestinal inflammation is formulated
for exclusion, as are several disorders
able to induce a state of gastrointestinal inflammation.
Other diseases that must be taken into account include
infezioni intestinali sostenute da G i a rd i a ,
C a m p y l o b a c t e r, Salmonella, Helicobacter, infezioni virali
(sostenute dal virus della leucemia felina o da quello dell’immunodeficienza
felina), intolleranza
o allergia alimentare e neoplasie.1,5-7,23,27 Inoltre,
è necessario escludere la presenza di disordini metabolici
che provocano vomito e diarrea

Da un punto di vista clinico, gatti di età adulta che presentano anoressia, perdita di
peso, incremento degli enzimi epatici in congiunzione ad un rialzo anche minimo
dei linfociti LGL nel sangue dovrebbero essere sottoposti ad analisi accurate per escludere un linfoma LGL intestinale.
La diagnosi states of this disease requires cytologic examination of intestinal lesions is that blood as it is not possible to show the granules in histological sections. The morphological features and immunophenotype shared by intraepithelial lymphocytes of intestinal mucosa (lamina propria lymphocytes do not contain cytoplasmic granules) and lymphomas indicate that a high percentage of LGL LGL cats originated from the small intestine with a prevalence for the fast and ileum .
infiltration of neoplastic cells was present in mesenteric lymph nodes (all cats) and in the liver and in decreasing frequency in spleen, kidney and bone marrow.
This contrasts with what occurs in the dog where the origin of lymphoma is predominantly splenic LGL.
FeLV-induced lymphomas, are generally "T-cell lymphomas, lymphomas associated with multicentric, mediastinal lymphomas, nervous system and eye. IVF are generally those associated with "B cell lymphomas and a typical clinical presentation was not detected even if the nasopharyngeal lymphoma seems to be better represented. With regard to IVF associated lymphoma, its incidence in the population does not seem to have changed and this appears to be due to the fact that 'FIV infection is enzootic and as such was not affected by vaccination.
Today in lymphomas associated with feline FeLV and FIV are present, the majority of lymphomas diagnosed in the clinic are not associated with Parthian Retroviruses. Lymphoma not Associated with Retrovirus is a B / T cell lymphoma that usually involves specific organs. These include, intestinal lymphoma, kidney, eye, and less frequently than that of the central nervous system. Regardless of
'Association viral or not American labor was substantially increased incidence of lymphomas in the feline species and the possible explanations for this increase are twofold. The first refers all'amento life expectancy of a cat, and as we know lymphoma is more common in older-age adults (median age 11 years). The second hypothesis considers that this increase in reported cases is attributable to the inclusion of a greater propensity feline patients in treatment protocols by encouraging owners indierattamente the increase in cases observed in research centers.
Lymphoma not Associated with Retrovirus has been associated with specific anatomical locations. For example, intestinal lymphoma and nasopharyngeal that are more frequent than the mediastinal and multicentric form. The spread of cases of intestinal lymphoma and explained by the finding in the clinical practice of lymph plasmacitiche enterocolitis in turn result in substantial change of diet proposed for cat power. The hypothesis of an association between chronic inflammation and lymphoma has been proposed in the feline species in which some types of lymphoma developing in organ structures previously known to be affected by chronic inflammation such as the stretch gastroenterico.Tuttavia and must be stressed that the causes underlying the occurrence of non-associated feline lymphoma on Retroviruses are not fully known to date, although an association was made between the lymphoma and exposure to tobacco smoke.
In this study, is also finally confirmed the association between the Siamese breed and lymphoma. In particular, the study observes the development of mediastinal lymphomas in young cats (mean age 2 years) of the Siamese breed, or crosses with this breed. The preparation gene has been proposed although the mechanisms involved in this race to develop this particular form of lymphoma are unknown to date.
In conclusion, epidemiological data are typical of feline lymphoma can be summarized as follows: they are generally not associated retrovirus (FeLV in particular) affect older cats when they are charged to the alimentary tract and nasopharyngeal in particular, while the young cats are associated with mediastinal and generlamente Siamese breed or their crosses.
Staging can be clinical and pathological. Both help describe the tumor at the time of its clinical expression allowing us to know even before the extensions to the deal itself and its anatomical features.
Obviously the process of staging can be formulated after a definite diagnosis of lymphoma was achieved either by cytology and / or histology and, where possible with the use of more sophisticated techniques such as flow cytometry and polymerase chain reaction.
Clinical staging should identify any remote locations anatatomiche involved by lymphoma "primitive" already diagnosed in the absence of clear signs esintomi always refers to the cytological evaluation of the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, blood and bone marrow irrespective of anatomical location of onset of lymphoma previously diagnosed. The clinical stages described for feline lymphoma like canine are 5 and always carried samples of spleen and liver ultrasound to rule the stage IV and blood and bone marrow to rule out the V Stadium.


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