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Bonno, inganno delle passioni

Articolo sull'inganno delle passioni secondo il buddhismo pubblicato dal sito

Bonno, l'inganno delle passioni
Aims and traps of Buddhism
of Christian Martorella

August 5, 2007. Buddhism is the teaching expounded by the sage of the Shakya family, Siddhartha (563-483 BC) known as the Buddha (1). Practice and application of Buddhist teaching are designed to liberate human beings from the yoke of pain and suffering, and then develop their full lives. But the Buddha himself predicted that in time his teaching would have been corrupted, misunderstood and degenerate (2). This prophecy is confirmed by a detailed analysis of the practices of Buddhism in countries further from the original teaching, namely China and Japan. The latter country also enjoyed a lively battle, often violent and fierce, buddhismo.Tuttavia among reformers was precisely the conflict of passions to make Japanese Buddhism (3) more active and interesting, despite the misrepresentation of course original. This also explains the success in Europe and the United States of the seven Japanese in all their forms (community of monks, lay associations, academic centers of learning, etc.).. To fully understand Japanese Buddhism is critically necessary to penetrate in the principles that govern the Buddhist practices. The Japanese word
Bonno indicates the passions and illusions that dominate our lives. Bonno The word translates the Sanskrit word which means "passion klesa misleading illusion that captivates the human soul. The term Bonn is composed of bon (bed also means wazurawashii complex, difficult, difficult) and not (in verbal form nayamu means suffering, torment, anguish). From a strictly psychological explain the reason of this theory. The passions and emotions are capable of causing a cognitive distortion that alters the perceptions of reality. In contrast, the emotions are necessary to establish the motives, and therefore can not be eliminated completely. This suggests that the Buddha is a restraint and an awareness that demonstrates every aspect of the real rather than false expectations. The issue of cognitive distortion (4) is crucial both in terms of psicologico, sia nel contesto della corretta pratica religiosa. Il buddhismo non nega la realtà del mondo, ma propone un migliore rapporto con essa, più autentico e verace. Il buddhismo è nichilismo nel senso che distrugge e annienta le illusioni, svelando la verità dell'essere.
La questione della distorsione cognitiva è ripresa anche in un altro insegnamento buddhista, presente in quasi tutte le sette giapponesi: i tre veleni (sandoku). I tre veleni che inquinano l'animo umano sono il desiderio (musabori), la collera (ikari) e l'ignoranza (oroka). L'affrancamento dai tre veleni avviene tramite le tre porte che conducono alla liberazione: non desiderio, non sé, non forma. Praticamente nell'esercizio di trasformare (Hendoku iyaku) the three poisons. It becomes so desire into compassion and anger in life force, ignorance into wisdom. Unfortunately, the three poisons are able to penetrate everywhere and assume unexpected dimensions. The Buddhist practice itself is contaminated by the three poisons, as evidenced by the numerous schisms and betrayals, and Buddha urged their followers to always remain vigilant against the dangers of false teachers and doctrines harmful. Who is using Buddhism for his petty personal use causes serious harm to himself and others. The aim of Buddhism is liberation and that is exactly the opposite dell'asservimento authoritarian practiced in many sects, schools and associations that use the name.
For this reason, molte tecniche mistiche sono nocive piuttosto che benefiche. L'adorazione di un oggetto di culto (5), il gohonzon, è una pratica contraria e opposta all'insegnamento di Siddhartha. Chi venera un oggetto di culto non ne è mai libero, ma ne è lo schiavo. Ci si aspetta dall'oggetto di culto miracoli o interventi divini, benefici e protezione. Però quello che si ottiene è l'alimentazione e la diffusione dei tre veleni (sandoku). La dinamica psicologica di questo processo è chiara ed evidente. Si crede ciecamente nei poteri miracolosi di un oggetto di culto venerato come un idolo. Ciò avviene per ignoranza, superstizione, stupidità (oroka). Si esprime il desiderio (musabori) e si prova rabbia e collera (ikari) perché not fulfilled. The object of worship becomes the instrument of torture that produces this sequence in the three poisons: ignorance, desire and anger. Finally you get the opposite effect to what is desired. Paradoxically, those who believe they practice Buddhism also inevitably prove wrong the dangers of the passions that deceive the mind, namely the correctness of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha.

Notes 1. The title Buddha means "awakened" or "enlightened", ie one who has freed himself of ignorance and know the truth about existence. Siddhartha (563-483 BC) was born in Kapilavastu locations currently in Nepal, but at the time an independent kingdom noble kind of Republican. According to the most reliable history was born in 563 BC and died in 463 BC. However, other dates moving time coordinates in a significant way. According to the Sri Lankan history would be around 663-543 BC, the dates according to the tradition in northern India would be around 463-383 BC.
2. In Japanese, the time when the teachings of Buddha has become incomprehensible is called map. Currently, the modern age in which we live would be the time of the map.
3. The Japanese schools are more important Hoss, Kegon, Tendai, Shingon, Rinzai, Soto, Obaku, Ritsu, Jodo and Nichiren.
4. The most interesting analysis on the cognitive distortions have been published by Jon Elster. See Elster, Jon, sadder but wiser? Rationality and emotions, Anabasis, Milan, 1994. See also the volume of sour grapes. See Elster, Jon, sour grapes. Unorthodox versions of rationality, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1989.
5. The object of worship, the Gohonzon in Japanese, is present in many Buddhist sects. In the Pure Land sect (Jodo) can be represented by statues of Amida or something else that you remember, while the Nichiren sect is a mandala made up of a scroll with the inscription of names of deities and supernatural title Lotus Sutra. In case the Gohonzon is kept in a domestic altar called butsudan. In contrast to these customs, Bodhidharma prohibiting the use of religious objects, so the Japanese Zen sect do not.


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