Friday, November 13, 2009

How To Earn Credits On Poptropica

football, entertainment, and integration of disabled

The Leo Club Sorrento, philanthropic youth organization of Lions International, has participated successfully to a new project for the social.

Youth Club members took part, with its own Representative football, the X edition of the football tournament "A Football indifference" in the sports complex Splash City Water.

The tournament, organized by Leo Club Castellammare di Stabia Spa, lasted a month and saw eight teams face each other in soccer, including four representing as many clubs and four leo freely open to groups representing businesses, financial Trade and just friends of the territory Stabia.
Fun and healthy competition have driven many players.
The purpose of the tournament was to raise funds for the territorial section of AS. I. Ha,
Italian Association for the Integration of Handicapped.

The award ceremony took place Wednesday, November 11.
Third place for the team and the club's Peninsular medal for the top scorer of the tournament.

The president Sorrento, Gianluigi Cioffi thank the hospitality and helpfulness of the President of the Club of Castellammare, Diana Cascone and all its members, said: "There are many ways to contribute to social progress of our community and certainly one of them is contributing to the integration of many disabled people unable, in most cases, you can freely move, play and have fun as they did in recent weeks the many young avvicendatisi on the pitch, just the sport has always been an effective vehicle for raising awareness and I'm glad that our young club was able to compete in this type of event making its contribution in terms of participation and solidarity. "


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