Friday, October 23, 2009

The Wedding Dance Mount And Blade Walkthrough

You could do more? - Our results

And another service has gone ...! 4 Children Leo The Concert was successfully completed in a drink and the other, a lot of good live music and the satisfaction of our guests who were in line with our expectations, brave and willing in wanting to be with us despite the weather was not the best. We must not forget the fundraiser, a major objective of the evening, thanks to the good will of all, is showing a collection of solidarity which is equal to almost half of our estimated target area Operti Leo!?! The results, let us a bit of immodesty, speak for themselves, but if that was possible only thanks to only a key element: the team. Club members have worked at the event by competing with small and big problems, new experiences and a few moments of loss of momentum, but always bearing in mind the goal of "bringing home" the best possible service and at peak our ability. So THANK YOU, and it is not rhetoric or repetition, to all 10 members of Leo Club Sorrento Peninsula, who have made it possible all that is beyond the normal load of "work" that you would expect from a Leo Club newborn. Thanks in particular to the 4 delegates to the project and all'insostituibile Vice President, who by coming to terms with the time available to them, to do the exams, the reasoning in the idea of \u200b\u200bmore or less strong base created and supervised from start to order the entire concert. Thanks to the wonderful bands that have kept us company also endured some small tear to our lineup.
You could do more? Yes, you can certainly always do more, but only better than what has been done compared to what has been experienced by trial and error and not than fine words. Qulacosa that we lacked a bit 'was perhaps not around us have the support of many of Leo clubs nearby, but thank the few brave in spite of everything we were required to be there. We do not know if it was really time to discourage others, perhaps not rightly know us and appreciate us all enough to push them to defy the weather and maybe give some more effort to be with us. It will be for the next!
grow together, the challenges, look to the future "


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