Friday, October 2, 2009

Alcoholic Liver Disease Symptoms

The Orchid UNICEF First Post

Sabato 3 e Domenica 4 Ottobre il Leo Club Penisola Sorrentina scende in piazza accanto un partner d’eccezione: l’ UNICEF , il Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l’assistenza all’Infanzia.

I giovani soci dell’associazione sosterranno la raccolta benefica di fondi destinati a 6 paesi dell’Africa centrale e occidentale. I fondi raccolti contribuiranno a sostenere l’Unicef e la sua “strategia accelerata per la lotta alla mortalità infantile e materna” attraverso l’acquisto di vaccinazioni, kit terapeutici, zanzariere, assistenza al parto, educazione sanitaria e numerose altre iniziative portate avanti dai volontari direttamente nei villaggi in cui operano.

L’intera iniziativa rientra nella 2°Edizione della Campagna Nazionale Orchidea Unicef 2009; sarà proprio una pianta di orchidea rosa infatti il prezioso omaggio che sarà offerto a tutti i donatori che, nella due giorni di solidarietà, sosterranno la raccolta fondi.

The stations coordinated by the Leo Club will be so spread Sorrento:

Saturday, October 3
  • Piazza A. Lauro - SORRENTO - from 15.00 to 20.30

Sunday, October 4
  • Piazza A. Lauro - SORRENTO from 10.00 to 20.30

  • PIAZZA S. MARIA DEL LAURO - META - 10.00 to 13.30

Gianluigi Cioffi, President of Leo Club Sorrento, says: "It 's a pleasure to inaugurate the first year of activity and community service, Club with a 'initiative in partnership with the largest and most important world organization for the hardship relief. All of us young people of Lions International, we feel close to correct problems of childhood, for reasons of sensitivity as well as personal data. "

The Leo Club Sorrento hits and surpasses the goal of solidarity

Great success for the first public event organized by the Leo Club Sorrento, the philanthropic youth organization, part of Lions International, in partnership with UNICEF.
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 young members of the association took to the streets to support the collection of charitable funds intended for children in Africa, in the 2nd edition of the National Campaign for UNICEF: Orchid 2009.

Two speakers coordinated by the Club: Piazza A. Lauro in Sorrento P.zza S. Maria del Lauro in Meta.
excellent and unexpected results achieved. The orchid plants, gift and precious symbol of the event for donors, has ended in the afternoon of Sunday doing so register early closure of the cases of three hours.
Even more surprising was the built-in, however, scored the goal that has greatly exceeded inclusive of € 1800 instead of 2000 touching.
The proceeds will be donated entirely to the Unicef \u200b\u200bheadquarters.

Happy and a little 'stunned said they were members of the Leo Club Sorrento who thanked the many donors in the two days of solidarity have been close to banquets arranged in squares.
Congratulations and expressions of esteem for the work, arrived at the Club by the President of Leo District 108 YA (Campania, Calabria, Basilicata), Giovanna Caianiello and several other representatives of the lions.

The president, Gianluigi Cioffi, commented: "the result of our first service is a joy, but above all must be an incentive in going up the road taken. Now that we've broken the ice, giving us the public, we are more aware that we can and must do more in the fields of social and culture. "



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