Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Much Oil For Dogs?

Leo Leo

Thursday 22 October, from 20.30 to Seven Hostel Sant'Agnello (NA)
the Leo Club Sorrento, philanthropic youth organization part of Lions International, organizes the First Edition of Leo Concert 4 Children.

Calati the rite of the atmosphere within one of the most popular of the local coastline, will perform live music four groups of young emerging
I Mangiavetro, Jungle Groove, Sangria and The Characters, ranging from music pop rock through the Latin.

purpose of the evening is to raise funds for the Ce.RS., an association of volunteer doctors in charge, throughout the national territory, to provide home health care directly integrated children and young chronically sick or disabled, thus relieving young patients and their Family anguish of hospital walls.
Part of collection event will be donated to the project.

The project is part of a wider solidarity Theme operation named "Leo for Angels" which actually committed not only the younger members of the Leo Club Sorrento Peninsula, but also the more than 500 members of District 108 Leo Ya, which includes clubs from Campania , Calabria and Basilicata.

The president, Gianluigi Cioffi says, "to offer free medical and psychological care and home care to qualified young patients with severe disease and disability is the least that a civilized country can do, unfortunately, despite our Health Service sia uno dei migliore al mondo, queste prestazioni non sempre vengono erogate con continuità. Alleviare, seppur di poco, le sofferenze degli ammalati e delle loro famiglie riuscendo a donare loro la tranquillità delle mura domestiche è una sfida alla quale i Leo sorrentini non vogliono sottrarsi”


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