Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Body Systems Does Tendonitis Affect?


School Year 2009/10
Istituto Magistrale Statale Emilio Lussu
San Gavino Monreale (VS) A Third Class

Experimental Language School Pitcher

Subjects: History and Philosophy
Hours per week: 6
Prof. Piergiovanni Morittu



La classe è composta da 20 studenti non tutti provenienti da questo stesso istituto. Uno studente proviene da altra istituzione scolastica e si è inserito all’inizio del terzo anno scolastico. Si tratta di una classe poco numerosa molto vivace ma non indisciplinata, dal comportamento abbastanza corretto e rispettoso, che ha palesato un atteggiamento non molto partecipativo ma comunque discretamente motivato nei confronti delle attività curricolari. Una delle alunne non ha mai frequentato, ritirandosi già a inizio anno. La classe è molto educata e non ha mai dato luogo a problemi di tipo disciplinare.

(Si ritiene opportuna la presa visione del Programma Finale allegato)

l contenuto delle lezioni svolte secondo questo programma è stato pubblicato sul mio blog SCUOLA ON LINE alla url, dove è possibile consultarlo nei dettagli. Tale contenuto è stato messo a disposizione degli studenti come riferimento per lo studio individuale.

Il curricolo è stato opportunamente inglobato in un vero e proprio corso monografico, sul modello dei corsi universitari, allo scopo di offrire agli studenti una visione delle discipline aggregata e unitaria, anche nel caso di eventuali tagli o selezioni del programma.

I programmi di Filosofia e Storia hanno, per esplicita scelta del Docente, carattere interdisciplinare e modulare secondo i dettami Pitcher of the experimental project, and is divided into different units of instruction. The program of the two courses are designed to create an open path to that of the ministerial program, promoting a more complete understanding of the issues to address and the promotion of autonomous computing skills, together with the cognitive and critical abilities of individual students. The Master of Philosophy

was typically set to a cutting application, aiming to the acquisition of the language of philosophy, and mechanisms that characterize the method and the role of the discipline. In respect of the programs I have given preference to pitcher two key authors such as Plato and Aristotle, with three drives aimed at presenting issues più o meno esaustiva delle tendenze filosofiche della grecità.

Il corso di Storia prevedeva la scansione storico-culturale dei principali eventi, problemi e tematiche della Storia dei secoli XV, XVI e XVII,, con particolare attenzione ai contesti all’oggetto della parte filosofica e letteraria. Agli alunni sono state presentate tre tipologie di percorso: un quadro storico del periodo, un quadro politico-sociale e un quadro economico.

In accordo coi Colleghi di Dipartimento si è cercato di offrire agli studenti uno strumento spesso sottovalutato nello studio delle scienze storiche ossia le cosiddette “finestre” sulla storia locale e del territorio, con particolare attenzione agli eventi della provincia del Middle Campidano but also on the aspects and problems of the history of Sardinia.

INTERVENTIONS integrated educational

Some inevitable difficulties with the lexicon and thinking of the main perpetrators have been filled with the help of curricular revision, and self-study, in many cases have given positive results, without the use of courses recovery of external. Some have accused elements of the main difficulties in verbalizing their own and this has prompted the recall of specific tests, just to help students express properly philosophical thought. Unfortunately, it notes the unusual propensity to study a mnemonic which is not appropriate to the discipline.


In the experimental program Pitcher filsofica historical discipline plays a vital supportive role in the matters of address areas. The aim of the course was therefore to provide students with a concise, comprehensive overview of the main areas of human history and thought of the centuries under the program, such as completion and integration of the curriculum took place in the core subject. Depending on the purpose of this course has a modular structure, divided into thematic units of monographs, and interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, and then open to the participation of teachers from other disciplines. It is to understand the extraterritorial dimension of Philosophy and History, emptied of its contents and inserting it in a monadic epistemological open, multidisciplinary, in which its theoretical constructs may provide an effective basis to the study of the various curricula .. The course of the path But it was optimal, as the trial Pitcher, like any educational project, needs an effective text support, which was absent, and a real work of teaching team who for various reasons could not be done. This has made the programs less blended together.


In agreement with their colleagues from the Department has given preference to two texts whose use fell within the program loan for use implemented by the Institute. The texts in question, although very good, are not quite adapted to the needs of an experimental high school pitcher, and we have made some necessary changes to mode of use of the texts in question, to model the characteristics of the annual plan of activities that I proposed at the beginning of school year. He always recalls the need to specify that the arguments are and must be the result of choices targeted by teachers and should not obey inveterate habits. The large number of subjects in the curriculum makes it impossible to hold in fact a program similar to that of a High School or Science, dove le esigenze sono peraltro tarate su standard formativi completamente differenti.


Lo strumento per eccellenza della comunicazione nelle discipline umanistiche è la lezione frontale. L’analisi del testo, unitamente alla verbalizzazione dei contenuti sono elementi imprenscindibili di un efficace dialogo teoretico. Purtuttavia le esigenze didattiche hanno reso necessario il ricorso a strumenti paralleli e di non minore efficacia, quali il multimedia e le schede riepilogative da usare come schema di riferimento per verifiche e per i lavori individuali. Grande importanza è stata data al lavoro su internet, sia su siti come Wikipedia o sia su url ricercate in assoluta autonomia dallo studente. The Minutes of the individual lectures was made available on my blog online school, because every student could see it from home or on your smartphone or iPhone. The material produced in perfect keeping with the wiki philosophy, it is obviously freely downloadable, printable and sharable with others, and has the same value and the same features of the textbook, which is extracted.


The Assessment of the content has been implemented through the written and oral form. The written form by testing different types in order to accustom students to the third round of state exams, the oral by classical question, and through the direct involvement of the student to classroom activities. Each student has been informed promptly of the outcome of each test and criteria for the assessment of skills acquired, curricular activities highlighted in the Plan presented in September.


Assessing the content knowledge of the humanities is not easy because they often blend with the social and existential experience of the individual who receives them within himself. Respecting the autonomy of the educational work and the ministerial program, have identified four areas of evaluation:

knowledge of the structural elements discipline
activation and use of vocabulary specific to the discipline
maturation of autonomous computing skills
capacity interdisciplinary

These elements are complex to measure, but in principle I consider the classic grid indicative evaluation mode scale of 1 to 10: extremely low or not measurable (1-2), poor or inadequate (3-4), almost enough or poor (5), sufficient (6), discrete (7), good (8), very good or excellent (9) , excellent (10).

In this case the ratings are broken down as follows:

1-2: no knowledge of the contents
3-4: lack of knowledge of content
5: insufficient knowledge of the contents
6: 7
sufficient content knowledge: knowledge secure content
8: proper properties of language, construction of interdisciplinary courses
9-10: autonomous computing skills


It a very heterogeneous group class and sometimes reluctant to work, not very participatory, but still interested in the topics raised and commanded from the perspective of the discipline. Pupils have achieved satisfactory results on average, the program has been successfully completed before mid-May in order to focus more on examination and investigation. Many students have shown a high degree of maturity, working independently from the regular scan of the program, integrating with personal contributions and the interesting content of the lectures. Although the new guidelines implemented by the Ministry, the pitcher is still testing very good learning experience: regret, however, point out how difficult - if not impossible - to implement a true experiment Pitcher, both for the lack of textbooks suitable for the 'absence of a common design phase.

San Gavino Monreale, June 2010

Prof. Piergiovanni Morittu


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