Saturday, June 26, 2010

Denise Milani Wikipediea

An important recognition for Leo Leo Peninsula

The Leo Club Sorrento, philanthropic youth organization of Lions International, officially became part of the table
for social inclusion within the Plan Area Social Setting Napoli 13 (Towns of the Peninsula, Capri and Anacapri).

The table of dialogue and the body, as provided by law, that unites all stakeholders in the sector of social services and the person: institutions, public and private entities, cooperatives and charities and voluntary organizations.
The primary task of the body, having its own representation and autonomy, is the planning and promotion of projects and initiatives related to social policies, the table is also an advisory body, with the mandatory opinion of the Social Plan
Naples Area 13, that the institution sovraccomunale management and service delivery.

Admission was formalized in the afternoon of Tuesday June 22 following a plenary session of the Board and with the unanimous opinion of all the delegates present.

The president, Gianluigi Cioffi, said: "Leo Club of the fiscal year ending June 30 and have had this news just now proud of me and my partners. We take it as a great little recognition of the hard work done this year. We as an association we are definitely not a direct provider of services but has always supported the idea that unity of purpose and sincere cooperation with other external entities can improve the quality and quantity of projects, especially in an area as sensitive as that of social policies. I am aware that the economic situation does not make it easier for municipalities and not only be able to program with ease social interventions in our country but that is precisely why we are "social workers" must be set to spur and support for institutions abandoning ideological barriers or prejudice of any kind. " The President also thanked

the Presidency and the Secretary of the Board of Conciliation for their support and willingness came from the Coordinator of the Office of the Plan.


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