Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sample Letter Of Community Service Completion

Il declino del capitalismo

Statement published by Umberto Galimberti in the heading of the weekly magazine "D La Repubblica. See
Christian Martorella, The decline of capitalism, "D La Repubblica", n.685, year XV, Saturday, March 13, 2010, p. 290. The decline of capitalism

In recent years the problems of the Asian economies have been exacerbated, with the increasing and growing difficulties in understanding the phenomena. The idea supported in a simplistic way of development of capitalism thanks to the virtues of liberal Western Christian society, she stiffened thanks to propaganda and populist political movements. In this way, the most evident contradiction, namely the presence of the second economic power, China, based on a mixture of capitalism, communism and Confucianism, was never seriously considered, and trivially reduced to a fault. However, what is false, namely the idea that capitalism draws its strength from its roots in Christianity and Liberalism, is mystified and split ideologically. Unfortunately, capitalism is a neutral system that feeds on contradictions, and its sole purpose il rafforzamento di se stesso, indipendentemente dall'ideologia politica al potere. In questo modo si spiega perché i paesi dell'Estremo Oriente, come Cina e Giappone, possano adottare un sistema capitalistico senza mutare la struttura sociale. Ed è questo fenomeno che economisti e sociologi dovrebbero studiare, invece di cantare le lodi della società occidentale posta come modello indiscutibile di sviluppo.
Cristiano Martorella


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