Monday, March 29, 2010

Community Service Completion Letter For Courts

Chemotherapy: Side Effects LUMBAR VERTEBRA

Supplements that may counteract the side effects of conventional therapies against cancer

The following side effects you experience during or after chemotherapy or radiotherapy in pet supplements recommended in this case, the following may be of great benefit.

Nausea / Vomiting. May occur as a result of direct damage to the stomach / intestinal lining or by stimulation of the vomiting center in the brain. Supplements that soothe the gastrointestinal tract are: Ginger, Altea, Elm, and DGL (licorice root deglycyrrhizinated). Glutamine helps to heal the damaged intestinal cells, however, should be used with caution in animals with brain tumors.

Sore throat / mouth ulcers. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy of the head and throat can cause mouth ulcers. Grapefruit seed extract (rinse the mouth), Traumeel (a homeopathic remedy for Heel), Coenzyme Q-10, vitamin E (rubbed on the ulcerated areas), and glutamine (taken orally) may reduce the 'incidence of ulcers, and heal them.

hair loss. Occurs very rarely in domestic animals except in the irradiated zone. The administration of antioxidants (Quercetin, curcumin, green tea, and hesperidin) and Biotin can help. Decreased Blood Cell
addition to drugs such as erythropoietin, the following supplements are recommended: Curcumin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

toxicity of the Heart-This is' the most 'common damage of cumulative doses of the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (in' man especially cyclophosphamide, 5FU, and mitoxantrone). Administer vitamins C, E, Selenium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Hawthorn, and Nacetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(NAC) can reduce acute heart damage. These supplements can be administered before, during and after treatment with doxorubicin. Coenzyme Q-10, administered after completion of therapy with doxorubicin, might prevent future heart damage.

busulfan and bleomycin pulmonary toxicity can cause pulmonary fibrosis in 'man. Rutin, quercetin, hesperidin, green tea, vitamin E, Boswellia and curcumin could be useful.
diarrhea. Probiotics, Enzymes, ginger, and glutamine (glutamine should not be used in animals with brain tumors).

Toxicity 'Do Hepatic detoxification of the liver using homeopathic products, Milk Thistle, Curcumin, indole-3-carbinol, MSM, Mixed Carotenoids and renal toxicity are recommended
Curcumin, Panax ginseng, Nacetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(NAC) (helpful for hemorrhagic cystitis, a condition that causes bleeding from the bladder in animals receiving cyclophosphamide) and intravenous glutathione (for animals treated with cisplatin).

Toxicity of nerves the nervous system can 'be protected from free radical damage of DNA by administration of alpha-lipoic acid, Curcumin, Quercetin, milk thistle, and coenzyme Q-10. Ginkgo biloba, a plant known for its ability to reduce cognitive impairment, would be recommended. However, given that animals with cancer are generally treated with high doses of omega-3, the combination of Ginkgo more 'fish oil may cause hemorrhagic stroke (fatal ) For which is not normally recommended.

specific advantages of antioxidants Antioxidants are concentrated in tumor cells in much higher than that of normal cells. They have the following property potential 'benefits: •
inhibit reproduction of the DNA in cancer cells
• Cause the' apoptosis (cancer cell death) •
blocking the enzymes used by cells to tumor growth by blocking the enzymes used
• by tumor cells for metastasis by blocking the enzymes •
used by cancer cells metastasize (spread) •
blocking the formation of eicosanoids (eicosanoidi, come diverse prostaglandine, producono infiammazione, soppressione del sistema immunitario e sostengono la crescita delle cellule e la loro diffusione)
• Migliorano la comunicazione intercellulare
• Bloccano i geni del cancro
• Esercitano effetti anti-ormonali
• Agiscono come agenti chelanti
• Favoriscono la disintossicazione


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