Saturday, January 9, 2010

Should I Worry About A 3 Mm Gallbladder Polyp

Hatoyama Yukio e la Cina

Intervento pubblicato dal quotidiano "Il Secolo XIX". Cfr. C.M., Gli Stati Uniti non sono più il baricentro del mondo, in "Il Secolo XIX", giovedì 7 gennaio 2010, p.22.

Gli Stati Uniti non sono più il baricentro del mondo
Nella politica estera del premier giapponese Hatoyama Yukio, la Cina riveste un ruolo importantissimo. Infatti, il modo in which the Japanese look to China is definitely changed in recent years. Consider especially the fact that Japanese exports to China is currently oriented, having overtaken the United States directly. The main economic partner of Japan is no longer in the United States, but is in emerging Asia and in China. There are even social phenomena very indicative of climate change, such as the increase of mixed marriages between Chinese and Japanese, also aided by the growing number of wealthy in the rich country that can boast the highest economic growth rates. In 2009, China has not undergone the crisis feeling the recession as other nations, but merely a slowdown in growth which has remained at very supported. The plan for the economic stimulus of domestic demand and consumption has been working perfectly, and this has weighed particularly on the public debt stands at around 15% of GDP. In 2010, analysts expect China's GDP growth of around 9%, a figure which again confirms the impressive growth. Over the past thirty years, the average growth rate of Chinese GDP was just around 9%. But Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama can look to China for other reasons. From time Hatoyama, just as the Chinese government supports the need to break away from U.S. dollar as an international reference currency, proposing a single currency in the Asian euro model used in Europe. In short, the United States are no longer the center of the world, and many politicians in Asia are beginning to think that they should take matters in hand, and direct social and economic decisions affecting their countries.
Christian Martorella


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