Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lorna Morgan In Forums

The Leo Club Sorrento program the second semester of activity

The Leo Club Sorrento, philanthropic youth organization of Lions International, has concluded successfully, the first six months of activity.

In the first six months a number of projects were carried out on schedule, objectives and institutional and social purposes.
planning and implementation of services were coordinated by
Board which currently has 11 members with different operating powers.

The two projects most significant of these early months of the Peninsular Club were: the important and profitable partnership con l’Unicef all’interno della II Edizione della Giornata Nazionale Orchidea 2009 e il Leo Concert 4 Children, serata di musica e divertimento per assicurare cure mediche domiciliari e gratuite ai ragazzi gravemente ammalati.
A questi progetti se ne sono affiancati molti altri che hanno visto impegnato il Club in contesti eterogenei: la partecipazione sportiva al Torneo di Calcetto Un Calcio all’Indifferenza organizzato nella Città delle Acque, la presenza al Premio Sorrento nel Mondo e la vendita di 300 pandori, in partnership con i Fora dei Giovani della Penisola Sorrentina e il Centro Benessere Ulysse, per l’acquisto di strumentazione software e hardware da destinare alle Università per consentire un sicuro e sereno academic path for students with impaired vision. The Club has also granted membership in the Moral Issue of Coast to Coast, marathon runners who went through last December 27 the Amalfi Coast and Sorrento.

Currently members are working on the definition of the activities for the six months
January to June 2010. There will be absent
new fundraising immediate and concrete, but these projects will add to the character more cultural and social awareness.

The president, Gianluigi Cioffi says, "we are all proud of the work done so far, only six months ago this was an ambitious project, now is the Leo Club Sorrento associative living a reality but still young. But we know that we can and must do more in the fields of social and culture. The next six months will see us engaged in new and more structured activities that I hope will collect more and more consensus not only among the population but also between the different degrees of more and stronger institutions to ensure synergies and proposal can contribute to human and civil progress of our district " .


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