Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Camera Inside Viginia

Le contraddizioni del capitalismo

Statement published by the newspaper Il Secolo XIX ".

See Christian Martorella, Capitalism is a system that feeds on contradictions, "Il Secolo XIX", Monday, February 1, 2010, p.20.

Capitalism is a system that feeds on contradictions
In recent years, the problems are exacerbated by the Asian economies, with the increasing and growing difficulties in understanding the phenomena. The idea in a simplistic way of a sustained development of capitalism thanks to the virtues of liberal Western Christian society, she stiffened thanks to propaganda and populist political movements. In this way, the most evident contradiction, namely the presence of the second economic power, China, based on a mixture of capitalism, communism and Confucianism, was never seriously considered, and trivially reduced to a fault. However, what is false, namely the idea that capitalism draws its strength from its roots in Christianity and Liberalism, is mystified and split ideologically. Unfortunately, capitalism is a neutral system that feeds on contradictions, and its sole purpose the strengthening of itself, regardless of political ideology in power. This would explain why the East Asian countries like China and Japan, can adopt a capitalist system without changing the social structure. And it is this phenomenon that economists and sociologists should study instead of sing the praises of Western society as a model e indisputable development.
Christian Martorella


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