Saturday, February 20, 2010

Best Tv Sets For The Buck


Monday, February 15, 2010

Cheerleading Game Hair


microscopic picture on the left normal red blood cells
right photo red blood cells in acidosis

Two very important factors for the development of a tumor are anaerobic (lacking oxygen) tissue acid under these conditions are created condition of uncontrolled growth of some cells and the death of healthy cells.
the acidity of the blood also creates an electrostatic force around the cell membrane that leads to a stacking of red blood cells by preventing the circulation in the capillaries and then sprinkled a little, creating a fabric that prevents the immune cells to act against the degenerated cells.
These are the conditions for tumor growth. To intervene on acidity
'must check the power supply and above all to so-called living foods rich in enzymes and reduce the excess acids through pollutants, drugs, food additives, excess of food, lack of exercise and accumulate in tissues in the blood.
Power dog and cat and 'often deficient in enzymes, they are present in food treated with heat, lack of these enzymes in the digestive processes of assimilation and reclaim a stress on the pancreas, liver and intestines, with an excess of waste covered by the kidneys to eliminate. By the time these bodies are becoming overburdened with insufficient accumulation of waste products and acids.
In a slightly alkaline, well-oxygenated tissue and 'difficult implanting a tumor.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Camera Inside Viginia

Le contraddizioni del capitalismo

Statement published by the newspaper Il Secolo XIX ".

See Christian Martorella, Capitalism is a system that feeds on contradictions, "Il Secolo XIX", Monday, February 1, 2010, p.20.

Capitalism is a system that feeds on contradictions
In recent years, the problems are exacerbated by the Asian economies, with the increasing and growing difficulties in understanding the phenomena. The idea in a simplistic way of a sustained development of capitalism thanks to the virtues of liberal Western Christian society, she stiffened thanks to propaganda and populist political movements. In this way, the most evident contradiction, namely the presence of the second economic power, China, based on a mixture of capitalism, communism and Confucianism, was never seriously considered, and trivially reduced to a fault. However, what is false, namely the idea that capitalism draws its strength from its roots in Christianity and Liberalism, is mystified and split ideologically. Unfortunately, capitalism is a neutral system that feeds on contradictions, and its sole purpose the strengthening of itself, regardless of political ideology in power. This would explain why the East Asian countries like China and Japan, can adopt a capitalist system without changing the social structure. And it is this phenomenon that economists and sociologists should study instead of sing the praises of Western society as a model e indisputable development.
Christian Martorella

How To Collect Money For Car Sale


Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Make An Eevee Happy In Pokemon Silver

Il buddhismo e i miracoli

Read all about the controversial issue of miracles in Buddhism Discuss about the blog published by the Japan [].

Miracles and Buddhism
of Christian Martorella

Buddhism is not a religious practice that is achieved through questionable miracles and magic rituals laughable. Although in the Buddhist tradition are common, especially in schools of inspiration Vajrayana (Diamond Vehicle), many esoteric rituals, they are aspects of a broader discussion that fits into the practices of Eastern cultures. The followers of Buddhism, by contrast, are invited by their teachers not to be enchanted by these superficial and not base their faith in dubious supernatural powers, magic and miracles and wonders in the expectation. The Buddhist must be fully aware of the aims and methods of their religious practice, refusing any kind of superstition and popular belief that faith becomes a habit tired and repetitive rituals.
Daisaku Ikeda, president of Soka Gakkai, is very explicit in this regard. Here, below, explains his position.

"The secret and the mystical powers of the Tathagata are nothing more than the achievement of Buddhahood, as stated in the Nichiren Teachings Oral. The supernatural powers do not indicate transcendent. In the Gosho daimoku recite the Lotus Sutra we read: Do not judge the validity of a religion based on supernatural or occult powers acquired by his followers. Also Shakyamuni, answer to a question on the difference between the king Ajatashatru Buddhism and Brahmanism, says: The teaching of the Buddha warns against dubious practices such as fires or spells to predict the future. There is a secret and mystic power greater than that of leading all beings to Buddhahood, a state of perfect happiness and fulfillment. "[See Daisaku Ikeda, Chapters Hoben and Jury. Lectures on Chapters II and XVI of the Sutra Lotus, Edizioni Esperia, Milan, 2005, p.109]

Daisaku Ikeda, Nichiren relying on the authority of Monaco, and the teaching of the same historical Buddha Shakyamuni, maintains, without any doubt, that the aim of Buddhism is not practiced spells or get miracles. But he is certainly not the only leading figure who says it. The Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso expressed the same idea in different words.

"I repeat, the purpose of Buddhist practice is not to get miraculous powers, but to transform our being. [...] You can also assimilate to the deity who created the universe as we meditate on the illusory, and think that if you have faith in the powers it would grant us a life span, the wealth and who knows what else. In this case the aim is not the main purpose of the practice, which is to dominate your mind and get rid of the mental poisons, instead attributing great importance to marginal issues. "[See Dalai Lama's advice of the heart, Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan , 2002, p.167-168]

Many religions base their faith on the belief in a supernatural deity capable of intervening with miracles and wonders to change our lives. Not so with Buddhism. The Buddhist practice is not aims to achieve miraculous powers. Life itself is a miracle in itself. On the other hand, believe in miracles is to deny the value and wonder of life in its aspect nature, seeking the supernatural that is not appreciated in our daily lives.