Sunday, October 31, 2010

Poptropica Trainers For December 2009


La Chirurgia Oncologica Veterinaria consiste nell’asportazione in toto della massa neoplastica cercando li dove e’ possibile di allargarsi con l’incisione sia lateralmente che in profondita’ con un margine medio di 2 cm ..Un esempio e’ il fibrosarcoma del gatto un tumore molto invasivo ,se interessa il tessuto circostante sotto fasciale si procede ad asportare in toto la massa con una porzione di fascia e muscoli sottostanti, se il tumore si trova lateralmente al torace si asporta il costato interessato, se la neoplasia aderisce alle apofisi spinose dei corpi devono asportare anche i processi spinosi.Il chirurgo deve avere quindi nozioni di Chirurgia generale,Ortopedia,Neurologia,Oftalmologia , Facing a different intraoperative situations that often require a great commitment and expertise for the reconstruction of the adjacent normal tissues.
All this to show that often the cancer surgery and 'much demolition, the owner wrapped and indecisive in the face of a bloody but must understand that intervention could be decisive only if the removal and' radical and otherwise 'better not touch the tumor and support the body with immune therapy , antioxidants possible alternative to chemotherapy and radiotherapy .. In areas where the anatomical reconstruction of the skin and 'can not be followed by skin grafts and transposition of skin grafts the same patient

. In oncological surgery then you need a good knowledge of anatomy, vascularity dell'innervazione portion concerned must make an accurate slur or cauterized to prevent dissemination of cells tumorali.Per abdominal organs the removal of organs in toto as the kidney, spleen should not worry you can also remove part of organs such as intestine, stomach, liver, bladder, etc. The important and respect the principles of cancer surgery removing all the cancerous tissue while avoiding disseminazione di cellule neoplastiche.
Le recidive in chirurgia oncologica sono sempre piu’ invasive del tumore primario quindi se si decide di operare si deve asportare in toto la massa.
Nel caso di tumori alle ossa c’e’ la possibilita’ di trapianti ossei con uso di placche e fissatori , un esempio l’estremita’ del radio ,ma allorche’ si decide di intervenire il postoperatorio e’ lungo ed impegnativo con un percentuale di successo molto varia.In tal caso l’amputazione puo’ essere una risoluzione specie nei soggetti poco pesanti .Un fattore importante in oncologia e’ il tempo ,purtroppo molti proprietari nell’incertezza passano troppo tempo ad sentire pareri different, but this does not help the patient and promotes the establishment of distance metastasi.a
Before any of Surgical Oncology and 'do good blood investigations, X-rays, ultrasound, and in some cases even Tac RM.per or make any metastases already present and to gauge the extent of the tumor mass Regarding the sentinel nodes do a cytology with a period (is sucked into the syringe a little 'content-node) if there are no cancer cells in Acuna and cases' Better to leave the reactive lymph node acts as a barrier to the spread of metastasis in blood and lymphatic system, if a node is removed so healthy but reagent eliminates the fence and therefore more 'easily cancer cells (which may remain in the operative site despite the wide margin of excision) enter the bloodstream and spread through the tissues locally.
The immune system after surgery should be supported and stimulated wound to stem the lesion and surrounding healthy tissue to make then ready to create a defensive barrier around the base of operations.
The use of such alcuniFfitoterapici Viscum , Uncaria tomentosa, bacterial lysates, Cytokines, Mushroom Extracts, Antioxidants, Deacidificanti have the task to stimulate and modulate an immune response effective especially if the patient and 'weakened.