Monday, February 14, 2011

Complete Fingerboards For Sale

TUMORS IN THE DOG AND CAT: therapeutic principles

1) Malignant tumors (cancer, sarcomas, leukemias, lymphomas) are caused by severe genetic mutations suffered by the DNA of cells (chromosome aberrations). The malignant tumor is therefore, in essence, a disease onset for chronic deficiencies of vitamins (the lack of which has not allowed the repair of genetic damage or death by apoptosis of the diseased cell) with the combination of carcinogenic factors: environmental pollutants, food additives , medications, vaccinations excess pesticides. The treatment of such tumors should therefore be based on restoring the contribution of vitamins in high doses, to induce spontaneous suicide (apoptosis) of cancer cells.
2) The key to the cure "metabolism" of cancer and other malignancies is based on two lines. Before
Director: Subtract the tumor that feeds it (but without damaging the patient).
Second Director: give the cancer that killed him (but without damaging the patient).
The first guideline is therefore based on the subtraction of protein (essential amino acids), vitamin B12, folic acid, glucose and other substances, including hormones, which can induce cancer cells to replicate.
The second guideline is instead largely based on the use of large amounts of natural vitamins
, in order to exploit the action of apoptosis of these cancer cells and stop replication of cancer cells, the action of anti-angiogenesis cancer on the capillaries, inhibition of PIF produced by cancer cells, stopping tumor growth.
3) immune response against the tumor. Therapies using herbal remedies (Aloe, essiac, mistletoe) Quinones Omeopatizzate Cytokines or other measures to stimulate white blood cells against both cancer cells and against the leukemia cells. These same metabolic therapies considered fever as a natural form of hyperthermia in the same patient, in analogy to the well known HYPER-TERM radiant of hospital equipment, causing necrosis of the cells spontaneously cancer, being the little vascularized tumor masses within them, and therefore particularly vulnerable to the effects of the same hyperthermic fever.
4) Detoxification of the liver by vitamin hepato-protective activities, and able also to allow the removal of these toxic substances (purified from the liver) through the bile (choleretic activity and cholagogue), without re-absorption of these toxins on the part of ' intestine rapidly eliminating the toxins released by the tumor mass (and therefore larger inflamed by the immune response), thereby reducing the pain from the same tumor. The liver is the organ-prince of metabolic therapy set forth herein, and it is therefore necessary to carefully monitor his blood (SGOT, SGPT, gamma-glutamyltransferase, total bilirubin, direct and indirect, alkaline phosphatase, etc ...)
5) The metabolic therapy combats intestinal DIS-BIOS, which is the disruption of the normal flora gut (commensal bacterial flora), responsible for fundamental processes of assimilation of nutrients (vitamins natural) contained in plant foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, vegetables). Therefore, it will also be based on the use of intestinal lactic acid bacteria in order to restore the BIOS SIM-body and saprophytic germs in order to ensure the proper nutritional balance of assimilation vitamins by the animal.

6) Mantenimentoo low blood glucose levels and avoid blood sugar spikes. Glucose is necessary for tumor cell to obtain energy and to replicate their DNA.
7) Excluded from the power of growth substances to cancer cells. Specifically excluded are the essential amino acids, folic acid, vitamin B12 and glucose.

8) Exclusion of it from the apoptosis inhibitor. Despite the use of high-dose vitamins, is well known that several factors negatively impacted the ability of the vitamins to cause apoptosis. Of these factors, the most important sono 3: alterazione della parete cellulare, dovuta ad acidi grassi saturi, anziché insaturi (di qui la necessità di somministrare vitamina F(ac grassi essenziali) oppure Omega 3, escludendo tutti i cibi contenenti acidi grassi saturi); rigonfiamento della cellula a causa dell’elevato contenuto di Sodio (di qui la necessità di escludere il Sodio e i cibi
contenenti elevati valori di esso); basso pH cellulare, con impossibilità delle vitamine di agire, come dimostrato in diversi lavori scientifici sull’apoptosi (di qui la necessità di somministrare, sempre sotto controllo medico, sostanze alcalinizzanti come ad esempio il bicarbonato di Potassio con vitamina C

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Build A Chloroplast

The project UniLeo4Light Back to Sorrento

Il Leo Club Penisola Sorrentina, associazione giovanile filantropica del Lions International, sta sostenendo nel corso di queste settimane il Tema Operativo Nazionale dei Leo italiani: UniLeo4Light.

Il progetto istituzionale dell’associazione, interamente ideato e gestito dalle strutture leoistiche presenti in tutta Italia, giunto quest’anno alla sua quarta annualità, si propone di raccogliere fondi da destinare all’acquisto di innovative strumentazioni tecnologiche utili a rendere più agevole il percorso di studi universitario e quindi l’inserimento professionale degli studenti ipovedenti e non vedenti; tali apparecchiature sono state donate, negli ultimi due anni, ai maggiori Atenei del territorio nazionale tra cui l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.

L’appuntamento associativo di maggior richiamo per sostenere il progetto UniLeo4Light cade durante le Giornate Nazionali Leo che si svolgono, ogni anno, nel periodo prenatalizio e vedono coinvolti tutti i giovani lions italiani.

Il Leo Club Penisola Sorrentina, al suo secondo anno di attività, sta nuovamente operando per portare il suo contributo alla causa in maniera originale.
Infatti, grazie alla disponibilità dimostrata dalla dirigenza della Sorrento Calcio s.r.l., durante la partita casalinga del 5.12.10 sono stati allestiti degli stand negli spazi interni allo Stadio Italia a Sorrento per consentire ai giovani dell’associazione di vendere, a charity, the exclusive Pandora, mini-size, specially made for Leo from a famous company of Italian food.
In this regard, the Club wishes to thank the support for the Mayor of Sorrento, Joseph Cuomo, the president of the Sorrento Soccer, Mario Gambardella, directors, and Gaetano Diodato Scala Mastellone el'addetto print Giuseppe Damiano. In the coming days
Club members will still be engaged in other activities aimed at achieving the objective related to the joint project.

The club president, Joan Russo said: "It was important for us to have the support and the support of Sorrento Calcio Srl on this occasion that he first of all a social purpose, ma anche l'importante compito di far conoscere gli scopi filantropici della nostra associazione. Noi Leo crediamo molto in questo progetto e sensibilizzare la comunità locale è stata una grande conquista”.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Paparazzi Camera Fore Sale

Press Release Press Release 10.11.2010 11.11.2010

To read the review you should print.